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Design And Implementation Of Control System For Automatic Door Used In Light Rail

Posted on:2016-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330461459427Subject:Control theory and control engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wit h the rapid deve lopme nt of our economy, rail trans it w ill become one of the ind ustr ies that have the prior it y to deve lop and make breakthrough in the future te n years. In order to meet the needs of ra il trans it, and get rid o f the techno logica l dependence on auto mat ic door control syste m in foreign countr ies, co mbining w it h the actua l control requireme nts, the imple me ntat ion method s of the control syste m o f auto mat ic door of light rail were stud ied.After t he stud y of t he tra in bus a nd auto mat ic door control s yste m, the contro l syste m of automat ic door of light rail based on ARM microprocessor as contro l core syste m w it h double C AN bus was proposed. The design o f the contro l syste m confor med to the state standard, inc lud ing hardware circ uit and software. The design of hardware circ uit sho uld minimize t he influe nce o f electroma gnet ic inter ference. By t he stud y of t he exist ing auto mat ic protection met hod, automat ic door control syste ms algor it hm and its imple me ntat ion procedure code was proposed. Detecting armature current and displace ment of the door determines whet her the motor is blocked, and the n to realize the funct io n of gat ing syste m ant i e xtrus io n. Progra mming us ing p iecewise approximat ion of cos ine funct ion c urve fitt ing door speed contro l algor ithm, improving the ride comfort in the process of auto mat ic door operatio n. Using the doub le C AN communicatio n can impro ve the reliab ilit y of the syste m.The laboratory debugging a nd site running proved that the door contro l system is good in perfor ma nce, high re liability, and can basica lly meet the require ments of practica l applicat io n.
Keywords/Search Tags:ARM microcontro ller, electr ic machine contro l, extr us ion preve nt ion, doub le C AN co mmunicat ion
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