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Design And Implementaion Of Electric Vehicle Travel Assessment And Support System

Posted on:2015-09-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330467963170Subject:Computer Science and Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, R&D and market development of electric vehicles has been more and more popular, and they also get more and more attentions and coming into sight gradually. Electric vehicle has been used in domestic and international traffic for experiments in many cities. Compared to traditional internal combustion vehicle, short driving range, long charging times and inadequate charging infrastructures are several disadvantages of electric vehicles. The constraint of car battery capacity is a crucial problem in the popularity of electric vehicles, in order to solve the disadvantages above, the regular pattern of power consumption needs to be discovered.This paper proposes a solution based on the relationship between traffic state and energy consumption characteristics and provides users the forecasting and assessment of electric vehicle power consumption and driving range. The solution can be divided into three parts:1) Clustering of traffic state dataSelect the traffic flow parameters that impact power consumption characteristics of electric vehicles, clustering traffic state using different algorithms based on different traffic flow parameters and compare the effectiveness and accuracy of results. The clustering results will be used in power consumption pattern library.2) Construct power consumption pattern libraryDesign different core data structures to partition and storage the traffic state data. Compare the efficiency of integrate traffic conditions and corresponding power consumption characteristic sequences to the pattern library and select the optimal storage structure. By inserting and updating large amount of training data makes the pattern library more and more completion.3) Forecasting power consumption of electric vehicleAccording to the vehicle location and driving route, power consumption pattern library calculates the power consumption combined with the analysis of real-time traffic status. The forecasting algorithm is based on pattern matching and it can also provide value-added services as driving range estimation and power configuration planning.The paper first introduces research background and key technologies, followed by the requirements analysis for both car charging services and users. Based on the requirements, overall design and hierarchical design of the system has been raised. The paper then introduces interface design, class diagrams and data flow diagrams, and completes the system implementation. Finally, the system is tested with several series of test case to ensure correctness and efficiency. The last part of the paper comes up with the summarization and the design of future work.
Keywords/Search Tags:electric vehicle, travel assessment, traffic flow, energyconsumption
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