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Design And Implementation Of Genuine Pharmaceutical Distribution Management System

Posted on:2015-07-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330467953703Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The system comes from a real project needs, used a large multinationalpharmaceutical companies in China branches, on-line project management of themajor pharmaceutical companies in China’s distribution situation; the company hasoffices in nearly70countries,6countries with manufacturing plants, over18,000employees and sales of over180countries, the total number of employees in Chinahas more than500people.This project is the result of feasibility analysis, research needs, and then start thesystem database design application of the detailed design and Web development JSPtechnology-related technology, the most desired function of the whole system, butbecause of time constraints of the system are still some problems, such as inadequatemanagement functions articles, upload attachments not yet been achieved, but alsoleft a lot of interfaces can expand in the future, this site is a dynamic site, the idealstate for all data can be dynamically bound, the original plan was to foreground Homemade two sets of templates, automatically bound associated CSS and layout format asneeded, but has yet to achieve, only to realize the binding copyright, foreground news,navigation and internal and external links, and hope to complete in the latter. Databasedesign does not exist many problems, such as multi-table there will be a lot of dataredundancy between data type of the field there are some problems, probably becauseof the length of the data caused by exceeding the maximum limits of error. Thesystem is made for a long time needs analysis, based entirely on the customer’srequirements for the design, the site also has many technical highlights, such as theweb application of some popular control FCKeditor, SmartUpload etc. In addition,naming the background class of the system is also very standard, organized and veryclear, easy maintenance personnel to maintain.System design is the most important task for the overall design and detailed design. The overall design includes a physical system configuration design andcomputer system design module. System module design task is used to divide thesub-structure, in determining the structure of the module subsystem. The system isdivided into a plurality of modules and each module determines the external features,functions, and interfaces described in the call data transmission between modules andbetween modules. On the basis of a needs analysis of the functional modules on theplanning system, and in this analysis, based on the specific design of the system tomeet all the needs of the database. The system is divided into seven modules, eachmodule and the basic function has been described. Provides a functional blockdiagram of the system, and the system ER diagram, then the structure of the databasesystem uses a detailed narrative, the table also lists the structural part of thetable. Between the module surface is independent, but in the database access is tightlyconnected, each module is a database access, but access to different tables. Functionof each module is based on data collected in the survey for layout and production. Inthe overall design stage, because the database has a very important role in the design,so the development process, the more time to consider the database. However, it is notexpressed in the function module input data in detail, the processing logic between theoutput data and the developer is no way to write code. Thus even further to deal witheach module is completed, as well as a variety of input and output data and detaileddesign. Detailed design is based on the outline design, to further define the specificfunctions required to achieve each level of the system. Therefore, the detailed designfocuses on the design and implementation of the microscopic module within theframework of its main task is not to write code, but the program is designed toachieve, so that programmers can write the actual program code based on detaileddesign documents.This paper introduces the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern on the basis ofresearch, The system’s main function is to program inquiries、Customer self-querybasic information、Customers to modify their basic information and credit cardinformation、Send a notification e-mail to communicate with customers、Customer to change the password、Download information to generate query excel, and other.Elaborated on the structure and processes of the JSF framework, Through theapplication of JSF, Java, the SQL Server2005technology to develop a sales networkTV with the customer management relationship system instance, JSF framework inthe project, and discuss its advantages. J2EE technology, customer relationshipmanagement system based on B/S mode, the system uses the Model-View-Controller (Model View Controller, the MVC) design ideas to achieve the separationof business logic and user interface. Through customer relationship managementsystem, the administrator can easily customer information for viewing andmanagement, save time and improve efficiency. And the final will generate excel allthe information saved for later viewing.The design is based on the J2EE environment, Myeclipse developmentenvironment, database server using the Oracle database. Using JDBC databasetechnology and advanced into the connection with the Oracle statement, the crudoperation, making it close and database connection together.
Keywords/Search Tags:Distribution system, Drug sales, Information management, CustomerRelationship, Database design
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