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Research And Implementation Of Web-Based Communication Facilities Inspection System

Posted on:2016-10-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330467492095Subject:Electronics and Communications Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Arrival of the21st century, people came into the information age, and the rapid development of modern society and the economy change everyday. To ensure the continued health of the social and economic development, excellent infrastructure construction is very important. The communications network building is one of the most important parts in infrastructure construction. Therefore, to protect operators working communications infrastructure becomes more important and challenging, improvement and innovation of traditional carriers communication facilities inspection work is imminent.Given the traditonal communication facility inspection work facing inefficiencies, regulatory difficulties and statistic issues, the next generation of carrier communication facility inspection system needs to take advantage of the convenience of new technology. And it should be a scientific data management of inspection tasks,make supervision and management inturtive and effective. But it should also be able to quickly record inspection results and feedback, and the formation of the statistics system and intuitive system.The main work of this paper is to analyze the drawbacks of traditional carriers communication facilities inspection system and the demand of a new generation inspection system. The main contents include the following sections:1.How to use the database to achieve basic data communications facilities management and inspection results statistics.2.How to use B/S structure of the application characteristics to solve the management and inspection work arrangement. 3.How to achieve real-time and reliable inspection information collection and upload via Webservice and sensor technology and data communications capabilities in smart phonesThrough the study of these three main issues, the basic completion of the system architecture design and inspection achieve the final composition of the overall work of the entire Web-based communication facilities inspection system.
Keywords/Search Tags:communication facilities, inspection system, B/S, database, web-based, webservice
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