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Research And Implementation Of Multi-Channel Video Compression Mechanisms Based On H.264Encoding

Posted on:2015-09-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A Y LongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330467485416Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Today, in the era of big data, the storage problems of using storage space effective and storing data timely has become a major focus of research in the field of computers. In the multi-channel video processing system, the multi-channel video files obtained from the net-work are generally large, so there will be over-occupied storage space of the phenomenon. However, for multi-channel video processing system, it is often the quality of the video file storage requirements are not very high, so a lot of storage space has not been effectively occupied under the case of multi-channel video processing system. Visible to achieve efficient use of multi-channel video processing system memory space, you first need to do is to file an effective multi-channel video recompression treatment, guaranteed under the premise of the video quality, higher compression ratio, reducing the use of storage space.In this paper, as issue raised above, according to the current widely used H.264video coding standard, Multi-channel video compression mechanisms (MCVCM) were studied. In the H.264coding, the coding of non-zero quantized residual coefficients comprises not only the amplitude coefficient (levels) but also contains the location information (run), the nonzero coefficients is small, since in most cases the proportion accounted for encoding position information is more, and the nonzero coefficients tend to contribute little to the reconstructed video frame, i.e., the video quality is not affected. In view of this, proposed the idea of MCVCM by way of setting the threshold (smaller nonzero quantized residual coefficients set to zero), so as to realize the depth of the original video compression.The idea of ensuring a certain compression quality premise, good video encoding reduces the file size, not only reduces the use of storage space, but at the same time greatly reducing the bit rate.Experimental results show that the average of peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) are values (33-45) dB by MCVCM for video compression encoding, in the same parameters conditions, the idear of the MCVCM thoughts compared to the H.264encoding improving35%in an average compression ratio, reducing transmission rate of33%in the average. Multi-channel video storage space occupied saves around40%by the overall.
Keywords/Search Tags:Storage, MCVCM, Residual Factor, H.264Codec
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