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Research And Development In Henan Province "Quality Project" Reporting System

Posted on:2015-02-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L N ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330467476082Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Higher education plays a very important role in the development of our nationaleconomy. Implementation of the "Quality Project" will help promoting comprehensive,coordinated and sustainable development of China’s higher education, help to train highlyqualified personnel, be in favor of building a socialist harmonious society. Since the "QualityProject" has been implemented, each of the colleges and universities seriously do a lot ofwork focusing on how to improve the quality of universities and strengthen the constructionof specific projects, and the results achieved are obvious, but it is lack of attention and studyin the technical management of "Quality Project " reporting and construction, which leads tothe lack of effective coordination and management in the reporting and construction of"Quality Project".This paper aims to design a specific Henan "Quality Project" integrated platform tomanage the process of reporting and construction, which one can greatly reduce the workloadof the relevant departments, on the other hand also largely contribute to enhancing the qualityof schools’ teaching, achieving the goal of unified planning and management.This paper studies the construction status and significance of "Quality Project" projectreporting system, and takes the design and development of "quality project" online reportingsystem as the research object, based on in-depth analysis of research needs and capabilities,introducing the concept of software engineering; In the Windows environment, the choice ofB/S three-tier model, through ASP.NET, SQL Server database, ADO.NET and HTTP datatransmission technology, according to Henan "quality project" reporting processes, this paperbuilds "Quality project" project management reporting systems to achieve " quality project"automatically record and process the data, to change management status artificial "qualityproject", and to provide comprehensive, accurate and timely information and evidence for themanagement and decision-making in Henan Province "Quality project", thereby improvingwork efficiency. Construction of Henan Province "Quality Project" online reporting system is of great significance in the effectively promotion of scientific and standard management ofour province’s universities teaching quality and teaching reform project.
Keywords/Search Tags:Quality Project, reporting system, ASP.NET, B/S
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