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Software Coding Standards Research And The Automated Code Check System Excogitation And Implementation

Posted on:2015-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330467463379Subject:Communication and Information System
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent decade, an inevitabletrend of software developers appears along with the flourishing evolution of IT industry and the creation of a series sufficient software coding standards with highly effectiveness. The software coding standards are putting efforts to the standardization of coding mode that not only guides the developing process of software projects but also assess code quality in projects, that the software coding standards and related applications would become a rewarding topic among interdisciplinary researches.This paperpart introduces researching area that is the software coding standards and proposes a CQAS (Code Quality Assessment System) based on the three-tier model of ISO9126Standard that mainly describes software quality. Then the paper presents a further discussion of CQAS that also introduces a conception of "index" to depict the software code quality objectively. Following that, The CCT (Cost Control Theory) is also used to estimate the modify operation feasibility through calculating the cost of executing the related operations to achieve the optimized coding mode.Moreover, this paper reveals the concept of designing and completing an ACCS (Automated Code Check System) to apply the research results of software coding standards preferably. Basically, ACCS devises system module, layered structure and object model, also the security policiesand the deploy pattern after analyzing the system requirements and the flow of code inspection. The ACCS uses J2EE frame and develops basic module, check module and statistic module, also uses advanced technologies such as page subassembly, communication subassembly, code warehouse, database, whitelist and etc. as well as the achievement of the hot plug-in deploy pattern and distributed computation.In the end of the paper, it shows the testing process of ACCS and the results revealed that it could find the inappropriate coding modes effectively and demonstrate the code quality in projectsvisually which means that the software coding standards could be applied preferably.
Keywords/Search Tags:software coding standards, coding patternCQAS, CCT, ACCS
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