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Design And Implementation Of Tracing System For Quality And Safety Of Agricultural Products

Posted on:2015-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P ZouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330431970881Subject:Agricultural informatization
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, with the improvement of people’s living quality and safety of consumer consciousness enhancement, the people more and more attention to the quality and safety of agricultural products, consumer information for agricultural products supply chain of the right to know hope to be satisfied, and suppliers for agricultural information to obtain the safety of agricultural products, agricultural products quality and safety supervision and prevention and treatment are in urgent need of a reasonable way to solve, to meet the needs of the consumers. At present, China’s agricultural products, the production of before production, after each link management is not perfect, and the dispersion of most agricultural products production and management mode, triggered a lot of quality and safety of agricultural products. Along with the development of information technology, the social from all walks of life in the direction of the information management system development, the agriculture is not exceptional also, by means of informatization and the scientific regulation of agricultural production, circulation, processing process, such as the quality and safety of agricultural products traceability system arises at the historic moment, to achieve the quality and safety of agricultural products traceability information management, supervision, and prevent the occurrence of food safety problem is of great importance.Based on the quality and safety of agricultural products traceability as a starting point, the design of produce quality safety traceability system, in order to realize information management of agricultural product quality safety traceability. Firstly, collect a large number of domestic and foreign literature about agricultural product quality safety traceability, on the basis of research on the agricultural product quality safety traceability management industry background, the informationization of the domestic and foreign agricultural product quality safety traceability management, analyzing the present situation and problems of the research situation and application of clear research value and the direction of this article. At the same time also to the quality and safety of agricultural products traceability information construction involves the development of the theory and application technology of the main system is introduced. System with fruit as the research object, traced by communicating with the user demand research methods such as in-depth understanding of agricultural products supply chain process, on the basis of the system each function module design, determine to achieve specific functions. Secondly, a clear system to achieve specific functions, select My Eclipse platform, adopt the SSH (Struts+Spring+Hibernate) framework, select J2EE, SQL Server database technology, JSP technology to accomplish the system of the combination of research and development. Finally, on the basis of the above system for design and development. Mainly includes system architecture, the system each function module design, database design. In the design process, the use of object-oriented technology and SSH architecture design ideas, complete the design and implementation of the whole system. System interface design is simple and generous, to meet user requirements, system architecture and mature, in the actual application makes the system more stable and reliable performance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agricultural producers, Quality Safety, Traceability System, Database, fruit
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