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Study And Development Of Decision Support System For Agricultural Machinery Equipping Based On Delphi

Posted on:2015-07-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F F YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330431970655Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Agricultural mechanization is an important feature of modern agriculture. The state has invested a lot of money and effort in order to strengthen the development of agriculture. Agriculture is the powerhouse of the country; the government has promulgated and implemented the policy of benefiting the agriculture in order to promote the modernization of agriculture. The introductions of international advanced agricultural machinery and equipment have promoted the rapid development of agricultural mechanization. The implementing of Farm machinery purchase subsidy policy makes many businesses or farms introduce high-power machinery. With the appearances of various agricultural machinery and equipment, some companies or farms don’t know how to choose models when they purchase farm machinery, which may be cause some disadvantages such as delay farming due to agricultural machinery equipped too little or agricultural machinery excessive idle due to equipped too many. Therefore, a reasonable agricultural machinery equipping is a key issue of agricultural mechanization.The agricultural machinery equipping decision support system was studied in this paper, which was based on the related theories of agricultural machinery equipping in combination with the development ideas of decision support systems developing. The system will be able to provide users with the guidance on reasonable agricultural machinery equipping, and thus it can be easily applied in the practice for many businesses or farms. So the research and development of agricultural machinery equipping DSS has the important practical significance.The decision support system of agricultural machinery equipping is studied from the following aspects in this paper:First, based on the theoretical basis of agricultural machinery equipping and decision support system development process, the overall design of the system was made. In the design process of the system, database management systems, database management systems, and human-computer interaction systems were designed in detail, which established the foundation for further system development. Database management systems includes power machinery databases, operating machinery database, users management databases; Model database management system had three main models, namely linear programming model, operating model and the energy method model. which were designed based on main methods of agricultural machinery equipping; The design of human-computer interactive systems followed the beautiful, simple and easy-to-operate design principles.Secondly, in the development process of decision support system for agricultural machinery equipping, Delphi programming language was used, and the background task used SQL Server2005database management software. Model library is the core of decision support system. Because the linear programming model is very complex, three methods is studied and developed for the solution of the model, namely, the Delphi method based on the simplex, but the method was not appropriate for solving linear programming problems with more variable; Taking advantage of Delphi and Excel interface, calling Excel method, and this method is suitable for Excel skilled users; Delphi calling COM components which generated by Matlab method, because Matlab has powerful computing capabilities, this method is suitable for those who have a certain understanding for the matrix.Finally, an example of the Red Star Farm in Heilongjiang Province is studied as the system has been used the practice. Successful application cases shows that when the users don’t know how to purchase agricultural machinery, the system can assist users to make decisions, and it can enable enterprises or farms of agricultural machinery to further equip them more scientifically and dynamically in order to achieve the maximum economic benifit of agricultural production process.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agricultural machinery equipping, Decision support systems, Delphi, SQL Server2005, COM components
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