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The Design And Implementation Of B/S Architecture College Student Management System

Posted on:2014-12-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330431965672Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development and application of Evergreen college (Changqing) studentmanagement system was designed to improve the efficiency of daily studentmanagement, to standardize management norms, to enhance management approaches.College is the cradle of student development. Student management is an important partof the management of the college; furthermore, it is the foundation of the long-termgrowth of the institution. Effective and scientific management of students, not onlyaffect the quality of teaching, but also have direct impact on reaching the goals oftraining talented person.With the rapid development of national economic construction, international talentand the trend of globalization, China’s higher education system has undergonesignificant changes and development. In recent years, institutions of higher educationincreasingly expand the enrollment, which makes the student group on campus morepersonalized and diversified, further intensified the complexity and non-procedure ofthe student management. Facing the breadth and burdensome nature of studentmanagement under current situation, student management system is in urgent need ofimprovement and perfection, in order to meet the new pace of the development ofstudent management. In this case, it is imperative to develop a practical and effectivestudent management system which will be adapted to local conditions by means oftechnological innovation in order to effectively tackle the prominent contradiction andproblems between the heavy workload and the scarcity of human resources in studentmanagement.In this paper, it studied the student management system based on B/S architecturealong with the network technology platform ASP.NET and the database technologySQL SERVER given a Student Management System Design Solution on the basis of B/S Architecture technology which is running under network environment. According tothe basic content, to classify the student management work through the analysis of thedemand on the student management. To form different modules by means of functionaldesign so as to achieve more comprehensive and functional student management system.On the basis of student management functions, to reach goals such as, studentinformation query, daily attendance management, evaluation on scholarship and usermanagement to provide strong support for college student management...
Keywords/Search Tags:Student management system, B/S structure, SQL SERVER
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