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The Research Of Film And Television Art In Micro-communication

Posted on:2014-12-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B XuFull Text:PDF
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In recent years, the state advocate and promote the construction and developmentof cultural and creative industries, in order to strengthen the national image building inthe new period, and meet the growing demand for cultural consumption. As animportant part of Chinese cultural and creative industries keep moving, the developmentof Film and TV art plays an important role in guiding and promoting the developmentof China’s cultural and creative industries. The research of Film and TV art inmicro-communication is to explore the new ideas for the development of Chinese filmand TV art in future.Film and TV art in micro-communication refers to the communication behavior ofFilm and TV art with the help of micro-media. Micro-media as one of the main media inera of micro-communication, micro-media not only has some characteristics oftraditional mass media, but also has the mobility, inclusive, interactive, opencharacteristics of micro-media that it is unique. Both supplement each other and formthe force of communication. At the same time, the micro-media and other kinds ofmedia through the mutual integration, to expand its influence, enhance communicationefficiency of its own, to maximize the effectiveness of integrated marketingcommunication.Relationships between micro-communication and art of film and TV, is really anextension of the relationship between technology and art. Film and TV art by micromedia micro propagation, the shackles of traditional space-time breakthrough film andTV art, to obtain a broader space for development. Micro propagation by means of filmand TV art "magnetization" behavior, improve communication efficiency, strengthen thecommunication quality, Film and television art in the process of art communicationthrough micro-media, effect of the media, the micro-media becomes art. According tothe film and television art and micro-communication, make the micro-communicationof film and television art becomes a kind of communication art.In micro-communication of film and TV art, the new model form developed fromthe film and television art, is more suitable for the era of micro-communication. The representative is micro-film and micro-television. The rise of micro film and micro TV,broaden the film and television art performance space, enrich the connotation of thesubject of film and Television Arts, paved the way for the diversified development offilm and television arts. Finally, Accept the dissemination process of micro in Filmand TV art, the audience through the contact of the "media text" of film and TV art tofeel the spirit of joy, which film and television art bring. The research also according tothe needs’ level of the audience, micro communication of film and television art couldbe divided into acceptance of information, acceptance of culture and acceptance ofaesthetics which is three levels. Through the discussion of the film and television art inmicro-communication can be seen, that micro-communication of film and TV art spreadout a new space for the development of Chinese film and TV art, and points out a newway for the development of film and TV art.
Keywords/Search Tags:Film and TV Art, Micro-communication, Micro Media, Communication ofArt
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