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From The Official Website Of Phoenix TV To Mainstream Information Portal

Posted on:2013-07-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y WangFull Text:PDF
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IFENG has been set up in the form of the official website of Phoenix TV in1998,after14years of evolutionary transformation, has now become the largest informationportal for Chinese people around the world. IFENG has several times of revolution,the reform of the differences in market competition strategy, the target audience pointsto global mainstream Chinese, and improve the quality of the content carefully tocreate high-quality service and unique style to stand out in a fierce competition on theInternet, as with television on an equal footing of an independent economic entity.This is unmatched by other TV website. Phoenix as the site of TV media, toaccomplish such a gorgeous transformation of its business development strategyworth exploring, and worthy of reference for the other TV media websites. This paperdescribed a step-by-step development of IFENG history and present environmentfaced by IFENG in some of the content, form market positioning and brand promotionexperience a simple summary of research IFENG success at the same time, also triedto explore the universality of the law in line with the path of development of thegeneral TV website, and hope that these experiences show to other sites, especiallythe development of television website for reference purposes.
Keywords/Search Tags:IFENG, TV website, Phoenix New Media, information portal, development strategy
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