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The Programming Teaching Application Research Under The Experience Teaching Mode

Posted on:2017-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J QiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330488994744Subject:Education Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The content and the teaching way of Program design course has changed little over the years. But the teaching effect has been in doubt all the time.If we teach too "macroscopicly", it is not easy for the students to see the features and characteristics of the technology itself and It is hard for them to form a cognitive concept. If we teach In the micro, the students will be caught into the technical details, it will be difficult to control overall situation.Especially courses with the goal of technological literacy rather than information science literacy, needs to be carefully considered from the change of teaching contents to teaching methods.Due to the prosess of information processing technology is very complex, often it is difficult for the students to make a systematic study progressively from details.So for the students who want to cultivate information processing ideas to to lay a foundation for future study and work, "medium" level of learning must be a new choice.The experiential teaching mode proposed in this paper which is under the Teaching programming model is just "medium" level of learning.This paper conducted the following used to support the programming teaching application research under the experience teaching mode:The literature research shows the problems of program teaching and the author puts forward programming teaching application research under experience teaching mode as the solution to the problem, and then build the research topic;Learning from requirements of the concept of the new curriculum reform, the state and guidance of relevant documents and reference of information technology supported experience teaching, the author indicated the research meaning; after analyzing the current situation of experience teaching the author designed research ideas and research methods.Summarizing the concept, theory and research status related to the research, the author constructed theoretical basis of programming teaching mode under experienced teaching mode.Based on the analysis of the research of experienced teaching theory and model, combined with the experimental teaching and task driven teaching theory, under the guidance of the characteristics, applicable scope of programming teaching mode under experience teaching mode, from the aspects of information technology and education technology, the programming teaching model under the experience teaching mode was put forward, the author expects that of this model can provide certain reference to relevant personnel while they design scientific and reasonable programming teaching courses.On the basis of research and analysis of curriculum design framework for programming teaching under the experience teaching mode, the curriculum process model and curriculum activity model of programming experience teaching was constructed and teaching design principles of programming teaching was put forward to guide course design and teaching practice exploration of "Database Technical Overview"And then the author developed and designed "Database Technical Overview" programming experience curriculum, planed and formulated teaching objectives, teaching content, teaching experiments and teaching effect evaluation, and the author applied a part of the course into teaching practice to test practice effect of programming teaching under experience teaching mode.The author designed a questionnaire to investigate the participants. After an statistical analysis of the recycling date, it preliminary confirmed that the programming teaching under experience teaching mode can improve students’ programming knowledge, skills, and emotion; can effectively promote students’ practical ability, cooperation ability, problem-solving ability, reflection ability, ability in developing new knowledge and skills, the cultivation of innovation ability.The results show that the effect of programming teaching under experience teaching mode generally achieved the desired content and purpose, also, it is verified that programming teaching under experience teaching mode is feasible and effective in practical teaching applications to some extent.Finally, the effect of lack of programming and teaching experience teaching mode in the actual teaching obtained are summarized, and teaching experience teaching programming mode is also discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Experience teaching, Programming teaching, Teaching mode, Curriculum design
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