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A Study On The Accumulation And Release Of Teachers’ Curriculum Energy In Primary School

Posted on:2017-01-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J ZhaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a living curriculum, teacher has great energy. Curriculum and teacher are two elemental words in Education. So they both have great impact on each other. That is to say, curriculum reform needs teachers’ curriculum involvement and teacher’s teaching bases on the curriculum. With the advancement of curriculum reform in basic education, teachers’ curriculum consciousness begins to awaken, teaching behaviors moves towards conscientiously, teachers’ curriculum attract more and more scholars’ attention. However, when it comes to reality, influenced by the internal and external factors, teacher curriculum is facing great development difficulty. For example, teachers’ technical tendency hides the wisdom of teacher curriculum. So how to enlighten teachers’ curriculum wisdom becomes a research focus.First, based on the analysis of the document literature, this study has carded out the present situation of teachers’ curriculum study. Then under the basis theory of curriculum resources, autobiography curriculum, emotional theory and individual teaching philosophy, this study constructs the system of teachers’ curriculum energy. The primary school teachers’ curriculum energy has a complicated structure and it can be divided into six sections, that is teachers’ personal knowledge, professional ability, professional emotion, the history of personal life, educational position and personal teaching beliefs. The primary school teachers’ curriculum energy has a lot of characteristics, such as individuality, practicality, eventuality, generativity and integrity. In addition, there is a natural relationship between teachers’ curriculum energy and teachers’ professional development, that is to say, the aim of researching teachers’ curriculum energy is to promote teachers’ professional development.Then, this study makes a survey about teachers’ curriculum energy in primary school through the form of questionnaire. The survey mainly talks in the items of teachers’ personal knowledge, professional ability, professional emotion, history of teachers’ personal life and personal beliefs. Under the assistance of Case Interview and classroom observation, the accumulation situation of teachers’ curriculum energy in primary school can get a better analysis. According the results of the survey, on the one hand, teachers in primary school have a better understanding of teachers’ curriculum energy. They have a great professional affection and they have realized the significance of their own curriculum. Therefore, they make great effort to improve their professional quality. On the other hand, there are still a few of shortcomings in the accumulation of teachers’ curriculum energy, which mainly includes: the imbalance between theoretical cognition and teaching practice; the incomplete of teachers’ knowledge structure(lack of humane knowledge and practical knowledge); the lack of teachers’ professional ability in participating in curriculum activities; the lower of teachers’ philosophical attainments and the instability of teachers’ personal teaching beliefs.Last, according to the results of questionnaire investigation, case interview and classroom observation, this study puts forward some strategies in the accumulation of teachers’ curriculum energy,such as improve teachers’ humane qualities; promote teachers’ curriculum energy; reconstruct teachers’ personal teaching beliefs; keep a sensitivity about education and increase teacher and students’ life experience. As a matter of fact, the objective of teachers’ curriculum energy accumulation is to release the curriculum energy effectively. After the analysis of the release conditions, this study proposes some strategies in releasing teachers’ curriculum energy, such as optimize teachers’ personal knowledge structure and improve teachers’ knowledge transfer ability; keep context aware and improve teachers’ teaching ability; carry on narrative research and improve teachers’ story curriculum ability; keep a consciousness of life and cultivate the sense of life education..
Keywords/Search Tags:teacher, teacher curriculum, teachers’ curriculum energy, accumulation, release
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