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Development And Application For Ancient Art Ruins In The Art Appreciating Lesson In The Middle School

Posted on:2016-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330482965241Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ruins of ancient art in the region should influence people’s lives; it is an excellent essence of Chinese culture. Excellent introducing the ancient artistic heritage middle school art appreciation course, we can build a bridge between the school and the local art and culture art education, Both rich school art education, expand their horizons, optimize the knowledge structure, improve students’ aesthetic emotion, but also to enable students to understand and agree with the local culture, to help students develop good values, cultivate humanistic spirit and national pride.There are artistic characteristics and cultural connotations in the local ancient artistic heritage of the ancient city Zhengding. Zhengding city suffered a lot changes, but the city’s historical heritage, architectural ruins, still retains the unique characteristics of each period, as a world cultural legacy “constantly on behalf of nine dynasties” the city Art form definite city of diverse, rich and varied, temples, pagodas, murals, temples, churches, houses, ancient city walls, a series of unique style of the existing, highly skilled, exquisite art of ancient buildings, not only for an ornamental art, is unique in the field of arts and culture.This article will make Shijiazhuang Zhengding ancient culture and the arts as a local high school art appreciation curriculum resources, according to the new “curriculum standards” requirement, combined with curriculum resource development principles and teaching methods to adapt, to develop and translate into specific teaching content, in order to build a kind of meet the actual teaching high school art appreciation curriculum resource development and application of models and effective teaching evaluation. The first chapter describes the ruins of ancient art curriculum resource development profiles, the meaning of the ancient art sites, content and value-based education in the juvenile to do a detailed analysis, but also actively explore how to use the appropriate method for mining the ancient curriculum resource development Art Sites inherent in excellent educational resources. The second chapter of the history of culture and development of the ancient city of Zhengding make specific analysis and select the most representative of the ancient city of temples, pagodas and excavation frescoes its artistic and cultural values. The third chapter is through the development of school-based art curriculum, various forms of exchange activities, full use of modern multimedia technology and other means to its excellent resource characteristics introduced into secondary school art appreciation course. The fourth chapter is to determine the appropriate curriculum goals and teaching objectives, select the appropriate teaching methods, curriculum resources for effective definite ancient practice and application, and carry out effective teaching evaluation. The last chapter of this thesis research limitations and Outlook section.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ancient Art ruins, Zhending ancient city, middle school art, appreciation lesson
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