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Yuan Shikai And Modern Chinese Higher Education

Posted on:2017-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330482483559Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the Opium War, the old Chinese was forced into the modern society. All fields of China underwent the earth-shaking changes, the higher education also changed profoundly with the times. In the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, the higher education in China was not developed the traditional nature of the old model, but under the impact of Western learning to east, it referred to the Western higher education and developed a new institutions of higher education.In the late Qing Dynasty, Yuan Shikai reformed aggressively in the field of higher education with the trend of times and the new deal in the late Qing Dynasty. It formed his unique higher education ideas and practice, and promoted the Chinese higher education modernization objectively.This paper adopts the historical research method and literature research method. The study is based on the principle of respecting the history materialist to collect extensively and consult the relevant information about the history and literature. Target the deeds of education in the field of education. Focus on his educational ideas and educational practice in the field of higher education. Firstly, this paper expounds the background of Yuan Shikai’s innovation of higher education; secondly, it organizes the main contents of Yuan Shikai’s higher education innovation; finally, it evaluates Yuan Shikai’s higher education innovation, and puts forward the modern value of the current reform of higher education.This paper is divided into four parts:The introduction discusses the reason of this topic, related research and literature review, the research purpose, ideas and research methods, the innovation of this topic and the definition of the core concept.The first part of the body introduces the background of Yuan Shikai’s innovation of higher education. His innovation includes three sides: the development of the times: the germination and initial development of the modern higher education, and the government support: the Qing Dynasty carried out the new deal. The last but not least, Yuan Shikai’s personal factors: Yuan Shikai was only too powerful to reform the higher education. The three factors make a foundation for revealing Yuan Shikai’s higher education reform.The second part of body makes a comprehensive analysis about Yuan Shikai’s higher education innovation. He urged the abolishment of imperial examination system, removed the obstacles for the development of modern higher education. He initiated the new schools and promoted the development of China’s modern higher education system actively. In order to strengthen the cultivation of talents, he paid much attention to develop overseas education and the international education. In the implementation of the innovation of higher education, he discovered the abled people and put them at suitable posts, promoting the process of the reformation and injecting new vitality for the modern higher education.The third part of the body is the evaluation of Yuan Shikai’s higher education innovation. It is on the basis of adhering to the historical materialism and the principle of respecting the history. Yuan Shikai’s higher education plays a certain positive role and has modern values. It promotes the modern higher education modernization and promotes the development of social politics, economy and science and technology objectively. In a certain extent, it forms the unique higher education ideas and practice and make a enlightenment for today’s higher education innovation and promotion. However, his reform of higher education still has the transition limitations that can’t erase, showing the characteristics of uncoordinated, not independent and not continuous.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yuan Shikai, modern Chinese, higher education
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