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Research On Effective Teaching Strategies Of Primary School Grades

Posted on:2016-10-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J W TaoFull Text:PDF
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With the deepening of the basic education curriculum reform of basic education as the main front of the elementary school mathematics classroom is undergoing dramatic changes: the dominant position of the students has been enhanced, personalized learning have been achieved, democratic and harmonious atmosphere of teaching so that classrooms become a secure existence, teaching methods in the current context of rapid development of science and technology has been greatly improved. However, "a boom" in the classroom lurks behind much we need to confront and calm reflection rational thing: cooperative learning becomes ineffective play, self-exploration becomes inefficient "stocking" cut scene teaching students independence sentiment, heuristic teaching stuffing too many boring questions, everything in the show, the new curriculum reform will inevitably focus on effective teaching. How to enable students to use the shortest possible time, to get the most and have a positive emotional experience, to equip students with the knowledge, while focusing on the students’ quality of accumulation, and even create an effective and efficient classroom teaching reform will be a constant theme. Therefore, strategies for effective teaching elementary school scores to study this subject is necessary.Based on the above problem, this paper based on the research foundation of effective teaching theory and academia have been on the basis of the relevant literature on the comprehensive sort, mainly questionnaires, case studies and other methods to find scores currently teaching in primary schools The main problems and inefficient or ineffective teaching fractions main reason. Within two years of the study, the author points to the significance of the application of the three dimensions of scores and scores calculated for the corresponding practical exploration and reflection and improvement, based on the analysis and appraisal on the proposed school Some fraction of effective teaching strategies: First, from the essential meaning of mathematical background score, score, score goals and curriculum status quo student scores on cognitive scores in four areas to explore effective teaching strategies to prepare, it can be said that the instructional design strategy. Second, teaching methods, content and learning between the main lesson of how effective convergence strategy, is the main content of this paper. The third is how to build a teacher-student, between life and life cycle assessment strategies bi fraction of effective teaching.This study points to the current situation of effective teaching elementary school, there is a major problem and related strategies were discussed, but the effective teaching content-rich, achieve effective teaching elementary school scores efficiently even need a long-term process, while limiting the conditions under study experiments of this study is not deep enough. Practice as research is limited to the primary segment go further, to explore the little low in the shallow section of the literature study is limited to the country, this is the question researchers continue to explore in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Elementary, scores, effective teaching, Strategies
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