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Volleyball Curriculum Development Of Independent Colleges In Gansu Province

Posted on:2016-10-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330470976548Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper, Gansu Province five independent college volleyball curriculum resources for the study, the main use of literature, expert interviews, questionnaires, comparative analysis and mathematical statistics and other research methods, focusing on independent college volleyball programs Gansu Province Human Resources conduct, course conditions resource development status volleyball, volleyball curriculum of environmental resources, material resources volleyball program four aspects and problems of investigation and research, the following conclusions: 1, Gansu Province, each independent college volleyball lesson for young teachers in general classroom teachers age are 40 years of age, the age structure is more reasonable, and can basically meet the needs of Volleyball Teaching; low levels of teacher qualifications and titles, a serious lack of high titles and highly educated professional teachers; teachers in men and women do not proportional balanced, more male than female; high teacher-student ratio, teacher workload, affecting the quality of teaching volleyball class; training of teachers ideal situation, indicating a high school volleyball teachers to improve their knowledge and education level repair of expectations; 2. Gansu each independent college volleyball venue facilities, equipment in good condition, and can basically meet the teaching, extracurricular activities and sports training needs; modern multimedia teaching conditions and lack of awareness of multimedia teaching teachers to use most of the weak; basically teaching hours to meet national standards; daily volleyball training to carry out extra-curricular activities and sports is not good, can not meet the needs of volleyball lovers; 3, each leading independent college sports concept conservative care enough for school sports, sports funding shortage, some activities due to lack of funds unable to carry out; teachers’ professional training to carry out well, most teachers lack training opportunities; perfect course management system and teacher evaluation system; teachers to visit and study mechanisms are inadequate, unable to create the exchange of teachers, learning and opportunities for improvement; low teacher remuneration affect quality of life and work of teachers enthusiasm; 4, the use and optimization of volleyball teaching materials situation is not good, some schools do not have to use a unified volleyball course materials; curriculum will help students interested can set up a special elective pole better meet the needs of the student population volleyball enthusiasts, and this is independent of the characteristics of Gansu Province Institute of Physical Education courses; most teachers adhere to the traditional classroom teaching, teaching connotation thin, did not take advantage of favorable conditions for the development side, that can be converted into classroom Teaching materials utilized resources; teachers get professional courses for the over-reliance on the information network, ignoring the traditional books, newspapers, magazines, etc.; lower school teachers volleyball research activities required of teachers research is weak. To solve the above problems the following suggestions: 1, various independent colleges should continue to introduce highly educated teachers volleyball titles, and further improve the stability work of existing teachers, prevent the loss of high-level teachers, improve and improve teacher training mechanism, improve the overall level of academic and professional titles of teachers, teacher gender balance, training young teachers backbone, the formation of the old with the new teacher to grow the chain; 2, to further improve the volleyball venue facilities, a wide variety of equipment, increasing the number of equipment, equipped with multimedia classrooms for physical education, guarantee adequate number of teaching, strengthen volleyball extracurricular activities, carry out training and implementation volleyball, so volleyball on campus can smoothly and gradually improve low level of independent college volleyball status quo; 3, each independent school leaders must develop the idea to raise the overall awareness of school sports, sports special funds to increase investment; active cooperation with the higher education, sports administration and professional training institutions, the majority of teachers receive professional training and go out to visit learning opportunities; continue to uphold and improve the school physical education curriculum and teaching management system evaluation mechanisms; improve the level of remuneration of teachers, to further improve social welfare, so that the majority of teachers to increase the sense of belonging, work more actively strive; 4, in connection with the independent college volleyball programs the actual situation, the introduction of unified application of materials, increased materials usage, to improve the utilization of existing resources volleyball teaching materials on the basis of teaching resources to fully exploit the potential to enrich the content of classroom teaching volleyball; for PE teachers customized professional books, newspapers and periodicals academic journals, sources of information to increase the breadth of the teachers, but also for teachers to understand the dynamic creation of cutting-edge research facilities; increase the Department of scientific research activities to encourage teachers to participate in teaching and research activities, the accumulation of experience, improve the level of scientific research, but also created to enhance teachers’ titles condition.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gansu Province, independent college, volleyball, curriculum resource, development
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