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Research On The Career Counseling System Of American Community College

Posted on:2016-12-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330470451471Subject:Comparative Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
2014has been called "the most difficult employment year in the history", the graduatesnumber reached6.99million, but the graduates in2015which is predicted to continue increasingto7.5million by the department of Education. It is difficult for the graduates to find jobs, but theemployers found it is a labor storage, this reflects China’s education system is not perfect, cannotmeet the social needs of talent cultivation in colleges and universities. The higher vocationalcolleges need to strengthen talent development, at the same time, improve the employmentguidance system, helping graduates to be employed.The United States was the birthplace of the vocational education theory, the vocationalguidance is also at the top of the world’s advanced level. The career counseling system ofCommunity College which also pay much attention at "vocational education" and cultivateapplied and skilled talents, has formed its unique guidance model, which has enlightenment tothe employment guidance of our higher vocational colleges.Paper main contents are as follows:Introduction, this part selected topic reason, theoretical and practical significance, definingthe relevant concepts of American Community College career counseling system, and clearingthe research methods and writing framework.The1st Chapter, analyzed the background of the whole process of development ofcommunity college career counseling system in each stage of development, summarizing thedevelopment characteristics at each stage.The2nd Chapter, mainly studied the theoretical basis, including career choice theory, careerdevelopment theory, the connection with American Community College career counselingsystem.The3rd Chapter, Community College career counseling system is composed by federal andstate governments, career counseling center, community and corporate, This chapter alsosummaries the characteristics and inadequate of Community College career counseling system.The4th Chapter, Employment guidance of higher vocational colleges in China is in theinitial stage, this Chapter analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of employment guidance inhigher vocational colleges in China. Paper based on the community college career guidancesystem, combining with actual situation of our country, puts forward several opinions to careercounseling system development of our higher vocational colleges, in order to improve the career counseling system in our vocational colleges.
Keywords/Search Tags:America, Community Colleges, Higher Vocational Colleges, Career counselingsystem
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