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Studies On Creating Lifelike Situations In High School Thought Political Lessons

Posted on:2016-07-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ShiFull Text:PDF
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Since the implementation of new curriculum reform, there have beengreat changes in high school thought political lessons. Teaching idea isone of the important aspects. For example, teachers are no longer thedominator of the classroom, and more attention is paid to the principalposition of students. The teaching content is not limited to textbooks.Teachers begin to pay close attention to students’ real life. The way ofteaching is no longer chalk and talk. Lifelike classroom teaching beginsto be widely used, and students communicate, cooperate and explore ingroups. But, with the advance of curriculum reform, in high schoolthought political lessons, especially in open classes, too much attention ispaid to the external form of the new curriculum and the task of teachingitself is always ignored. Teachers always focus too much on students’ reallife. The use of teaching material is always neglected. How to make fulluse of the advantage of lifelike teaching situation and improve theteaching effectiveness as well seems particularly important. The author ofthe thesis tries to put forward some opinions on the misunderstandings oflifelike teaching situation in the current high school thought politicallessons.Under the new curriculum concept, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to create the lifelike teaching situation in highschool thought political lessons. On one hand, it can further enrich andperfect the theory study about situation and lifelike teaching in highschool. On the other hand, it is conducive to enhancing the teachers’professional accomplishment and ability, and can also optimize theknowledge structure and ability structure. It helps teachers to becomeexperts. Thirdly, it is beneficial to change the way of teaching andimprove the teaching efficiency.The thesis is divided into four parts:Part one is the literature review on lifelike teaching situation creationin high school thought political lessons. Firstly, it deals with the conceptof teaching situation, lifelike classroom teaching, and the creation oflifelike teaching situation. Secondly, it discusses the necessity of creatinglifelike teaching situation from three aspects, namely the new curriculumreform, the healthy growth of students and professional development forteachers.In the second part, the thesis lists the existing problems of creatinglifelike teaching situation in thought political lessons, through a lot ofclass observation, and thoroughly analyzes the causes. For example, theteaching aims are not fully focused on and students don’t have enoughexperience. Teachers’ factors and the restriction of the existing education evaluation mechanism are two main reasons.The third part is the important one, through my personal teachingpractice and others’ experience, I put forward some suggestions on howto create and improve lifelike classroom situation. Teachers should havethe awareness and ability of creating lifelike teaching situation. Andteachers should follow some principles, including the principle ofeffectiveness, the principle of authenticity and the positive principle.Thirdly, teachers should use various strategies to create the lifeliketeaching situation, namely the introduction of situations, perception oflife.In the last part the author shows some examples on exploring thecreation of lifelike situation in high school thought political lessons. Ihope it can enhance the practicality and reference value.
Keywords/Search Tags:thought political lessons, lifelike situation, teaching situation
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