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Comparative Study Of Gymnasia And Stadiums Construction And Management In Chinese And Korean Unlversites

Posted on:2016-07-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T J YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330467981562Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis analyses constructional and managing situations ofgymnasia and stadiums in Capital Institute of Physical Education,China and Yong-In University, Korea. It concerns1) policies ofstadiums and gymnasia construction in colleges and universities;2)investment approach of stadiums and gymnasia construction in collegesand universities;3) standard configuration and affiliated equipmentsof stadiums and gymnasia construction in colleges and universities;4)opening situations of stadiums and gymnasia to the students, to theteachers and to the public;5) management and operation modes ofstadiums and gymnasia in the colleges and universities.This thesis makes a comprehensive analysis of the topicsmentioned above, introduces advanced management experience and pointout shortcomings in management situation of Capital Institute ofPhysical Education, China, by revision of publications, conversationswith the experts, on-the-spot investigation, systemic analysis andcomparison. This provides support and suggestions for establishingmore systemic and more sophisticated management and operation modesof stadiums and symposia in colleges and universities. Additionally,by concluding the inefficiency of management and operation, thethesis provides insight into improving utilization rate andstreamlining the management modes of stadiums and symposia.Capital Institute of Physical Education, China and Yong-InUniversity, Korea have established a partner relationship since5,november,2003. They have a close communicational and collaborativetradition. It makes sense by studying Capital Institute of PhysicalEducation, China and Yong-In University, Korea, which both arecolleges of sports and physical education.By comparison, in terms of policy making, there are series ofcomprehensive and complete strategies in both countries, whichstipulates the construction standard of stadiums and gymnasia.Whereas, the laws and regulations about stadium and gymnasiumconstruction is in deficiency. Capital Institute of PhysicalEducation, China has set up standard equipment that suits the situations of this college, according to the standards issued by thecentral and local government, by General Administration of Sport ofChina and by Ministry of Education, China. But the ancillaryfacility is still deficient. Construction of stadiums and gymnasiain Yong-In University, Korea are supported by financial group andalumni association. Thereafter, there are various kinds of gymnasiaand stadiums with comprehensive affiliated equipment. They meet thealmost all sorts of demands.In terms of opening situation, stadiums and gyms in Yong-InUniversity not only ensure the physical education and training of theuniversity but also encourage students to take an active part inexercise. And they make an opening schedule based on students’ needs.After6p.m. of workdays and at weekends, these stadiums and gymnasiaoffer paid service to the public, by which the stadiums and gyms earntheir profits. Service targets of stadiums and gymnasia in Yong-InUniversity, Korea are students and teaches of this school, high leveltraining teams and various clubs. This satisfy the needs of studentsof teachers to the most due to its management systems, its investmentsource and its geographical locations.In terms of management and operation modes, stadiums andgymnasia of Capital Institute of Physical Education, China aremanaged and operated by Gymnasium Administrative Center. This ensuresprofits. Stadiums and gymnasia in Yong-In University, Korea iscontrolled by physical education center, which designated directorfor each venue. The operation mode is relatively singular and theprofit is limited.
Keywords/Search Tags:sports facilities construction, management, capital institute of physical education, Yongin university, compare
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