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Research On The Permeability Of Moral Education In Chinese Teaching In Middle School

Posted on:2015-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From the junior middle school Chinese teaching angle, the article talks about thepermeation of moral education. The Chinese teaching of junior middle schoolrequires unified tool and humanities, there is a close relationship between thepermeability of moral education and Chinese teaching, so talking about the permeabilityof moral education in Chinese teaching in middle school is feasible and necessary.In the new curriculum standard guidance, combined with the characteristics of thetheory of moral education and Chinese teaching in junior middle school, and the author inthe first classroom teaching example, utilizing the method of case analysis, literatureresearch method, action research method, experience summary method, the articlediscusses the Chinese teaching of junior middle school moral education infiltration existingadvantages, problems, causes of the problem and the coping strategies.The author thinks that the permeation of moral education in the junior middle schoolChinese teaching, can help students improve their ability of Chinese using, but alsoconducive to the cultivation of the students’ good habits, improve the students’ moralquality, to cultivate students’ cultural awareness, and eventually realize the comprehensivegoal of training talents.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese teaching in junior middle school, the permeation of moraleducation, Strategy
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