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The Senior Biology Extended Experiment And Teching Suggestions

Posted on:2015-12-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330467456221Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The senior biology extended experiment is the experiment which proposes a newsubject and develops on the basis of original experiment with textbook experiment as astarting point to explore. It not only combines with student’s theoretical knowledgeclosely but also helps students improve their ability of scientific research with its uniqueadvantage.The main contents of this paper are divided into seven chapters. In the first twochapters, it gives a review where the conception, meaning and domestic research status ofsenior biology extended experiment with literature research method.In the third chapter, on the subject source of senior biology extended experiment,the extending direction which is inclusive of horizontal and vertical expansion are putforward. And cases are provided respectively combined with senior biology compulsorycourse experiments (PEP).Chapter four is the detailed discussion of the experiment design process, especiallythe train of the thought of it, which includes the design method of experiment of variableanalysis, the control of irrelevant variable, single factor variable and multiple factorvariable.Chapter five are the analysis and comparison of two types biology experiment report,which are analyzed briefly with two extended experiments as the cases.In the sixth chapter, the concrete teaching suggestions on carrying out seniorbiology extended experiment are put forward from four aspects: the teaching process, theteaching organization, the subject selection and teaching assessment. Besides, the basisof the subject selection and concrete teaching assessment standard for the provision ofreference of teachers’ teaching activities are also presented.The last chapter has given a brief summary which pointed out the weakness of theresearch itself and proposed the next research directions.
Keywords/Search Tags:extended experiment, senior biology, senior school experiment
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