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The Research On The Education Development Of The Migrant Workers’ Education

Posted on:2016-05-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330464974773Subject:Agricultural extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the deepening of China’s reform and opening up and modernization, urbanization, a large number of surplus rural labor to cities, the number of migrant workers’ children has been increasing. The transfer of rural labor to cities, while promoting the development of the city, on the other hand also to social development of the city has brought a series of new problems. Among them, the migrant workers’ children’s education has become a reality Urbanization in China need to be addressed urgently.Based on the status of migrant workers’ children education Guandu District of Kunming in-depth investigations and studies, and in recent years, the report Plenary Guandu District, the district government work report and the education sector study report summarized study material found Guandu district government to strictly implement the "two based "policy, continue to increase investment in education, the expansion of the total education resources to promote the construction and development of private education, a better solution to the problem of education of migrant workers’ children, to achieve a harmonious development of the region’s economic and social sciences. However, there are some undeniable problems, such as pressure on government finances and public school education increased pressure, a large gap to receive the children of migrant workers as the main body of private schools and public schools, migrant families put their children’s education and investment in urban households gap is large, private school children of migrant workers in the mental health problem is affecting their healthy growth. To solve these problems, the author from education funding guarantee, education carrying capacity assessment, admission standards, educational potential mining, private school support, psychological health education, parent training and other migrant workers, all levels of government put forward the corresponding countermeasures. Finally, concludes the paper puts forward some enlightenment:First, the Government’s education policy for migrant workers’ children is an important factor affecting migrant children, and secondly, the overall quality of teaching conditions of the school, the quality of teachers and parents of children of migrant workers education greater impact, again, government and schools should be highly concerned and take steps to resolve the migrant workers’ children’s mental health problems, and finally, the complementary role of private school education for children of migrant workers is obvious.
Keywords/Search Tags:children of migrant workers, compulsory education, research on development
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