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An Action Research To Improve Junior High School Students’ English Reading Ability

Posted on:2015-09-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330461986718Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Action research is a kind of method whose theory guidance is reflection. Essentially speaking, action research means that a certain group of people find a problem and strive to do something to solve it, and proceed to find whether their efforts will work well, and at last try it again if the final result is unsatisfied.In this thesis, the author realizes her junior high students have problems in English reading through observing their reaction in class and analysis of their final exam paper. So she designs and carries the questionnaire to find out the four difficulties. First, they showed no interest in English reading. Second, their vocabulary is limited. Third, they lacked good reading habits and the last, their grammar is weak. Thus, the author plans actions to overcome the four difficulties. In the following ten months, she takes some measures to help her students in four stages, and at the end of each stage, she gets the student’s response to these activities through methods such as questionnaire and interview. Then, carries out the new action plan after reflection, modification and design of the new plan of action, after the implementation of the new action plan, she understands her students’progress at this stage through the analysis of the questionnaire. Finally, the author realizes that her students really improve their reading ability through comparison the analysis of the questionnaires before and after the action research and the reading scores of the final exam. At the same time, the author lists her seven reflections while doing the action research, and hopes that her seven reflection can considered in the later teaching.In this thesis, a case of "An action research to improve junior high school students’English reading ability" is displayed in detail. In conclusion, action research can provide an effective developmental path to the teachers, make research work go to a further step, directly improve the teaching effect, help teachers to pay more attention to their own teaching behavior and solve the problems arising in the process of their teaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:action research, vocabulary, teading skills, grammar, junior high school English reading
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