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The Teaching Research Of Argumentative Writing In High School

Posted on:2016-12-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330461968819Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
High school argumentative writing teaching has already been a long time, but it is still a difficulty in today’s Chinese teaching. From the argumentative of students’ writing, the biggest problem is the lack of persuasiveness and logic. From the teaching of argumentative writing, teachers ignore the students’ logical thinking guidance. The rational expression ability of the students didn’t get promoted. Therefore, the study of argumentative writing teaching in high school is very necessary.This study is to explore the essence of the argumentative first, and then explore the basis of writing teaching, clear the necessity of argumentative writing teaching in high school, and put forward the corresponding teaching suggestions in view of the present argumentative writing teaching existing problems.This study is divided into five chapters. The main contents are as follows:Chapter 1:Introduction. This part elaborated the reasons for selecting this subject. Definition of the core concept "argumentative" and "writing teaching". For high school writing teaching to carry on the literature review to develop argumentative essays. Briefly in this paper’s research value and the research ideas.Chapter 2: The essence of the argumentative. First, comb to the form of the argumentative in ancient times, make argument appear in modern clearly. Secondly, through studying the various define of scholars on the argumentative, find that the essence of the argumentative is one kind of article of only appeared in the teaching of writing, it is general, instructive and trainable. Writing a argumentative requires persuasive, distinctive and logical.Chapter 3: The basis of writing argumentative teaching in high school. Statement of the basis of a high school argumentative writing teaching from the three aspects of course standard, teaching material and student.Chapter 4:Analysis of high school writing teaching present situation. Two aspects of students and teachers are analyzed. For students, analyze the composition and the questionnaire, understand the students’ writing problems and difficulties. In view of teachers, take class example analysis, understand the characteristics and limitations which is presented in argumentative writing teaching.Chapter 5:Suggestions of high school argumentative writing teaching. Suggestions are put forward from improving the students’ ideological level, training students’ logical thinking ability and rational expression power.Finally for the epilogue part. Sum up this article viewpoint and points out the limitations of this study.
Keywords/Search Tags:high school, argumentative, writing teaching
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