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Preschool Care Management Research In Guizhou Minority Poverty-stricken Counties

Posted on:2016-04-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F M ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330461461803Subject:Preschool education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Pre-school education is an important part of the basic education,it lays a solid foundation for one’s life in the future.It is also an important symbol of a country’s education develop.Taking the market as the leading pre-school field has been mixed. With the introduction of relevant national policies in the past five years, it is showed that develop pre-school career needs government’s effective guidance.Guizhou is a backward areas for it’s socio-economic develop,and the development of education has lagged in developed regions.W county in Guizhou is a poor minority county, and also belongs to the national poverty counties,while is a national poverty county.This study takes W county of Guizhou Province as a case,by the method of literature research and interview study to survey W County preschool education management.Explore the problems about W county Preschool Care Management and causes of these problems’ reason,and put forward relevant recommendations and Strategies.On this base, the study reached the following preliminary conclusions.(1)In recent years, although W county preschool career development has made some achievements,For example the number of kindergarten increased year by year, the number of preschool teachers increase rapidly,and the number of children also increased.The whole situation is not optimistic, behind seemingly development, there are many problems.(2)From W County preschool cause problems in the management point of view.First,in educational administrative departments’ consciousness preschool education have been "marginalized";Second,the administrative departments’ plans for Kindergarten are unreasonable;Third,the pre-school management system is not perfect;Forth is the generally poor quality of kindergarten teachers;Finally the local government’s financial input preschool serious shortage.(3)Wanting to develop W County preschool career,improve the relevant departments management for preschool education efficiency.firstly, the government must pay attention to preschool education from the consciousness,clearing the responsibility of the government,and improving preschool regulatory system.Secondly, the government must strengthen the management for public kindergarten and private kindergarten’s construction,to continuously improve the number of kindergartens,strengthening the management for private kindergartens from the macro level, and actively support it.Finally, to strengthen the construction for preschool teachers, to improve the quasi- professionalism in this county teacher training, expand training coverage, strengthening operational guidance, developing national characteristics courses to improve teachers’ professional quality.
Keywords/Search Tags:A poor minority county, preschool care management, government duty
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