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Research On The Pirmary School Of Chongqing City Taekwondo

Posted on:2015-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LuoFull Text:PDF
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Tae kwon do movement is divided into competitive taekwondo and the mass, theathletics tae kwon do movement aimed at winning, including basic etiquette, quality,actual combat fighting positions, footwork, kicks, defense technology, technologycombination,competition rules and tactics,etc.,pay attention to athletics,practicaland view and admire a gender, highlight the characteristics of leg, fierce sharp,make the competition intense; Mass taekwondo aims to strengthen physical health,entertainment, communication, mainly by the potential performance, ability topractice, culture, self defense, performance test and so on as the main content,focused on cultivating people strong will quality, team spirit and told accomplishment.Taekwondo teaching refers to the school of physical education curriculum at thesame time to carry out teaching activities, for physical education time, belong to thephysical education curriculum in the required content. Ensure that all students must bewithin the prescribed time, under the school organization, with the provisions of theclass as a unit for course learning and training activities.Establishment of the new physical education curriculum standard "to improve thephysical education content simple old, not taste characteristics of contemporarystudents, should be based on the actual needs of the education teaching, may at anytime and place often add some new content, the organization form of agile diversity,content rich and colorful activities, in order to realize the harmonious development ofstudents body and mind. In this way, not only can play to the elementary student’senthusiasm and initiative, and can make their talent, personality get fulldevelopment, is conducive to the cultivation of the students’ good personality traits.In the investigation of six stone city elementary schools, some school is theschool open class, and taekwondo lessons into the school physical educationcurriculum, ensure each grade in physical education, to carry out other projects at thesame time, the average secondary taekwondo lessons per week, every two hours.Another is that some schools in the form of experimental classes, to open a taekwondoclass in the experimental classes, junior class taekwondo lessons twice a week, oneclass at a time. Senior for each class once a week, every two hours. Will taekwondoteaching content into the teaching of the normal range,in each class,each semester tocarry on the distinction as the appraisal result, greatly ensure the teaching time andteaching effect. Other schools of physical education in normal open at the same time,to add taekwondo in the school activities after school, do not take up the time ofphysical education, not in class, students volunteered, divide into classes according to the high,junior. To enrich the students after school life,for the purpose of arousingstudents’ interest in sports, on the premise of autonomous learning.The school curriculum and activities, training institutions and taekwondo waypavilion opening lesson, is the main way of students to participate in the study,according to the student age divide into classes according to the learner’s level of theclass, class twice or three times a week. Teaching contents according to the divisionlevel and more systematic, more professional coach, competition activities more rich.The pavilion facilities complete, space capacious, professional equipment varietiesand quantity is more complete. Taekwondo class as the school curriculum beneficialsupplement, according to the primary school students physical and mentaldevelopment rule, arrange training teaching content, improve students physicalquality and movement quality, at the same time, tae kwon do "with the ceremonybegins with courtesy,eventually" martial spirit,respect teachers,love of country andcollective sense of belonging are integrated into the daily curriculum,improve studentswill quality and moral cultivation.Based on case study of the six primary schools in the taekwondo classes andactivity, and achieved good effect, to an analysis of the deficiencies at the same timeimprove the opinions and Suggestions are put forward.
Keywords/Search Tags:tae kwon do, taekwondo class activities
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