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The Research On Teaching Staff Construction In Huaqiao Foreign Languages Institute

Posted on:2015-04-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330422988825Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, private higher education developed rapidly in our country. due to thetraditional concept,university management system and other factors, private colleges arestill vulnerable groups in higher education. Private College have higher teachers’ mobility,lack of investment in the construction of school teachers,which results a weak faculty ofprivate colleges, the quality of teachers needs to be improved. As a starting point, thisarticle study teaching staff construction in Jilin Huaqiao Foreign Languages College.The article systematically summarizes the problems of teaching staff construction inJilin Huaqiao Foreign Languages College and concludes that it has their own distinctivefeatures, but there are some problems. The problems are that teaching staff are too young,young teachers have high proportion, the high proportion of young teachers, the numberof “Double Teachers” high-level personnel, professional leaders is insufficient. The youngteacher’s teaching level, practical skills which needs to be improved can not meet theteaching and research needs, requirements and gaps in the school’s development goals.In-depth study of the implementation of the path of JiLin Huaqiao ForeignLanguages College, the paper puts forwards goals and strategies Huaqiao ForeignLanguages College faculty construction. There are Changing concepts, establish strategichuman resource management thinking; drive teachers’ internal demand; innovate paysystem and increase the incentives,; actively introduce high-quality talent, build high levelteaching team; introduce middle-aged professional leaders,academic backbone withgreater efforts. Implement the Faculty leaders construction project, and build confidence,actively mining talents, make the introduction of the high-level personnel remarkable. Setup special fund dedicated for the introduction of high-level personnel. Explore andimplement of “one hundred Ph.D. project” to improve the educational structure andintroduce of high-quality talents. Implement talent strong school plans to improve teachertraining system, according to the positioning of personnel training, accelerating the buildexcellent teachers. Finally, further deepen the reform of the personnel system, and improveteam building security mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teaching Staff, Private Higher Education, Jilin Huaqiao Foreign LanguagesCollege
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