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A Comparative Study Of High School Mathematics Textbooks On "Preliminary Algorithm"

Posted on:2015-07-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Y OuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330422983750Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This study through Renjiao A Ban Beishida Ban and SuJiao Ban the three sets oftextbooks is mainly study the following two problems:1.the three sets of textbooks inthe " preliminary algorithm" in this chapter is to present? What are the advantages anddisadvantages?2.according to the advantages and disadvantages, how to improve(mainly for editors and teachers and students)?In order to study the above two problems, the main use of the literature method,content analysis, comparative analysis and other methods to study. Through thecomparison of the three sets of textbooks analysis, the main conclusions are asfollowing:The surface dimension conclusion is: one is a set textbook column (Renjiao ABan is based on the thinking, Beishida Ban and SuJiao Ban is pay attention tocombine with the actual life); two is the structural system (Beishida Ban has obviousdifferent from Renjiao A Ban and SuJiao Ban); three is the three sets of textbooks intohand (SuJiao Ban different from Beishida Ban and Renjiao A Ban, mainly inconnection with daily life forms into close); four is that exercise quantity, types (threesets of textbook exercise types need to be further enriched, exercise quantity alsoshould be adjusted as appropriate).Deep dimension conclusion is: one is the knowledge skill factor (Beishida Banthe connection with other subjects were significantly more than the Renjiao A Banand SuJiao Ban); two is that process elements (difficulties, the three sets of textbooksare similar, but the guidance of learning methods, SuJiao Ban without the other twoversions do good); three is that the emotion factor (Beishida Ban pay attention to thespecial reading, at the end of the chapter summary and picture guide done other thanthe two version of Renjiao ABan).Finally, the research conclusion, some suggestions are put forward, for the editorare proposed: one should fully embody the characteristics of informationization; thetwo is to strengthen the mathematical and external discipline relation; three is theunity of logical sequence of both knowledge and the students’ psychological development; four is the old learning methods combined; five is to pay attention to theinterest and does not ignore the rigorous; six is to pay attention to humanities onmathematics. The teachers and students use textbooks suggestions: one teachersshould choose suitable for the specific conditions of the students of the textbooks; twoteachers should combine the textbook to make full use of modern teaching tools inteaching; three is the students should make full use of the textbook informationcolumn practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:high school mathematics, teaching, algorithm, comparative study
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