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Results And Analysis Of An Investigation On Physical Fitness Of Grown-ups In Xiangtan City

Posted on:2014-11-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P ZengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330422960970Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
For the study,2010to participate in Xiangtan National Physique Monitoring ofadults aged20-59and adults to participate in physical monitoring body shape,physical function, physical fitness and questionnaire data to summarize,analyze,research, and research results suggested that physical fitness for theguidance of the adult population in Xiangtan City, and enhance the quality of adultgroups, as well as to provide data support for the city of Xiangtan City civilization.Literature material, questionnaire survey, physique test, mathematical statisticanalysis methods and so on are adopted to analyse physique present situation andinfluencing factors,2344for male,2706for female,and this physique test includesmore than20-59indexes,SPSS17.0satisties software is adopted to analyse the data.Results:一、XiangTan City Physical Fitness Test of the adult population.1.20-59years Physique Status of XiangtTan City, in line with our adult generalphysical characteristics of the variation; Adult Physical Fitness of XiangTan City,XiangTan City, Adult Physical Fitness excellent rate of14.77%, a good rate of28.54%,45.13%pass rate,a failure rate of11.56%, a pass rate of88.44percent,slightly higher than the average of Hunan Province monitored in2005and2000.Female physical condition was significantly better than the male.2. Physical Build: Reduce adult height increase with age; adult women of allages BMI than men, women fat content than men, adult men and women in the45-49age group the highest BMI values; adult male hipWai index gradually from theage of20showed an upward trend to the45-49age group reached a peak value, andthen showing a slow downward trend from50years of age, adult female waist-hipratio index reached after45-year-old guardvalue, and then gradually decreasedbeginning at age50.3. Body Function: XiangTan City adult male resting heart rate phenomenon ofthe sudden increase in the30-34age group; lung capacity of adult men and womenwere20-29,30-49-year-old downward trend upward trend, rise slowly after the ageof50, at the age of40-44decreased significantly; lung capacity of the adult male body mass index in the20-24year old age highest,45-49-year-old age minimum.Adult woman’s lung capacity body mass index in the20-24age group is the highestvalue, lowest in the45-49age group. Adult woman’s lung capacity BMI from the ageof20showed a gradual downward trend, this index gradually picked up after the ageof50; adult female step index average than men, cardiovascular function in womenthan men.4.Physical Qualit (Diathesis): Women of all ages the mean Flexility are higherthan men, men and women45-49years old and Reach mean there is a sharpdownward trend; the balance adult men and women between the ages of20-29witheyes closed standing on one foot elevatedafter the age of30, with increasing age anddecline, men and women in the55-59age group the data values are the lowest;ability to respond, women of all ages the ability to respond better than men,40-44years oldadult ability to respond to a sharp decline in the period; strength quality isenhanced with increasing age20-34,35-59-year-old age decreased withincreasing,45-49-year-old adult forces a sharp decline in the quality of the period;adultman in the vertical jump mean data, ages25to29began to decline, may be asharp increase in male body fat in this age group; adult women ages25to29beganto decline; adult male push-ups with increasing agefirst decreased and then increased,but the decline is not obvious; female one minute sit-ups is negligible decreased withage.二、Xiangtan City of adults participating physique monitoring survey.1. The level of education for graduate students and college (including college)the health of the best, including the record of formal schooling of above of graduatestudent’s constitution the highest average score, high school or technical secondaryschool, the physical level is the worst.2. On the physical conditions of different occupational population statisticsfound that physique overall best, professional and technical personnel withoutprofessional crowd health overall is the worst.3. Physical conditions of weekly people don’t eat breakfast the breakfast crowdis poor, the less number of food "junk food" every week, physical condition, thebetter, eat the more people, poor physique overall rating.4. Most of the adult population can ensure every6to7hours of sleep time, sleep too much or too little physical condition are poor, the total time of7hours ofsleep adults physique condition, the best total time more than nine hours of sleeppeople constitution score the lowest.5. In the adult population, and the occasional stress constitution the highesttotal score average, people who have never pressure groups physique lowest averagetotal score.More than6. At a moderate intensity exercise as the main activities in the formof the crowd or often engaged in other forms of physical conditions of physicalactivity is better than other activities.7. Use the crowd of different modes of transport, since the drive (motor, electriccar) as the main mode of transport of health status were the best, better than to walk,ride a bike as the main mode of transport.Suggestions:一、 Improve the working mechanism, strengthen the functions of thegovernment.二、Away from the life habits, advocate a healthy life.三、Accelerate the construction of sports facilities, improve the comprehensivefitness environment.四、Implementation of sports volunteer project, improve its service ability.五、To develop the community sports and sports villages and towns.
Keywords/Search Tags:XiangTan City, Adults, Physical, State of health
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