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Marx’s Communication Theory Research

Posted on:2017-01-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330509960463Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Communication is an important part of Marx’s theory of historical materialism. Marx’s communication theory in promoting the development and progress of today’s society, ensure the inheritance and development of culture, and promote free and comprehensive development of human beings have a very important practical significance.Domestic study of Marx’s communication theory focuses on the basic content, basic characteristics, formation, and the significance of communication theory, achieved certain results. Foreign research on communication theory are presented in communication research itself, and is not the study of Marx’s communication theory. I think habermas is a representative of the western study of Marx’s communication theory, because of its "communicative rationality" is made to directly to Marx’s historical materialism.Marx enlightened by the British classical political economy in the division of labor and exchange of opinions, starting thinking about communication problems. By considering the French eighteenth-century utilitarian exchanges of ideas and learn from the German Hegel and Feuerbach subjectivity exchanges views and absorption, Marx formed his communication theory. In "German Ideology" as the split point, Marx’s theories of the formation of the communication process can be divided into three stages, namely the preparatory stage, the establishment of stage and development stage, marked by the budding Marxist communication theory to maturity of the development process. At the same time, the concept of "communication" as a starting point, to reveal what Marx’s communication theory contains rich content: communication is unremitting power in the development of human society, is a local and national history to world history of accelerator, is the important path to communist human. It reflects the social, development and openness of the basic features of Marx’s communication theory. On this basis, Marx’s communication theory shows its important practical significance. At the same time, Marx’s communication theory also has some theoretical limitations, we need further improvement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, communication, communication theory
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