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Research On The Youth’s Service Work Position And Performance Of The Communist Youth League In Youth Career Development

Posted on:2017-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X P ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330503959398Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Youth is the most potential human resource in the process of national economic development, and it is the driving force of social progress and innovation. The career development of youth is related to the economic growth, political stability, social harmony and individual family happiness of a country. Its significance is beyond the individual and family level, rising to the social problems. Currently, the world economic slowdown, China’s economic development into the new normal, within a period of time in the future will face a major adjustment of economic structure and industrial structure, and youth employment quantity and quality of employment is becoming more prominent, especially among the college students, their employment and youth labor shortage problems constitute two major challenges for China to cope with the youth employment.Governments, enterprises, social organizations, families and individuals have different responsibilities in the development and employment of young people. Among them, both "the people" of the Communist Youth League is the biggest Chinese of contemporary youth social organizations. Effectively promote youth employment, entrepreneurship, is an important aspect of the organization to perform services at all levels of the organization since the reform and opening up. But because the government performance evaluation is still in the initial stage, research on the performance of the Communist Youth League rarely, it is with randomness, single, coping and passive characteristics. Therefore, although League organizations in promoting youth career development process has made some achievements, but in the work of the Communist Youth League evaluation is not comprehensive and objective.In addition, with the impact of reform and opening up and globalization, the exchange of the economic field will inevitably bring about the collision of politics, culture and ideology. The introduction and discussion of the western civil society theory and the new public management theory and the social, political, economic and cultural changes in China’s reform and opening up has led to the rise of civil society in China. In theory, the Communist Youth League and other mass organizations by examining the concept of "non governmental organizations", "the third sector"; in practice, the external environment of the survival of the Communist Youth League and face the object have taken place in the profound changes and cluster organization reform is under the new situation "since" adaptation initiatives. Therefore, in civil society and cluster organization reform for the new background of the Communist Youth League in promoting youth career development in the position and the function has its own unique theoretical value and practical significance.This as the background, the literature review related to public management theory and youth career development theory, combing the local(to the Qingpu District as an example) in promoting youth career development in the status quo, to understand the local graduates employment, unemployed youth and youth serving vocational training overview. Key research under the new situation, Qingpu District Youth League to youth services, to make up for the lack of their own work and beneficial attempt of "Sail Back to Qingpu"excellent college summer on attachment training project. In the course of the study, the main use of the public management tool of performance management, analysis of "Sail Back to Qingpu" project carried out: namely, by drawing flow chart for KPI key performance factors, trying to establish a more perfect 360 degree performance evaluation system, combined with satisfaction survey questionnaire, telephone interview and Delphi method, with the combination of qualitative and quantitative assessment of the project, which helps to effectively test and description of Qingpu the Communist Youth League in the youth career development process effectiveness and efficiency, for" "Sail Back to Qingpu" project follow-up to carry out projects of their own suggestions for improvement. At the same time, depth analysis of the problems and causes of the Youth League in the process of promoting the youth career development under the new situation, try to put forward the Communist Youth League to promote youth career path exploration.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Communist Youth League, performance, youth career development
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