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Councils:Organizational Basis For Effective Autonomy Of Villagers

Posted on:2017-05-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Z DengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330488480247Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Villager autonomy has gone through more than 30 years. With social development, conditions of villager autonomy witnessed great changes which led to ineffectiveness of the autonomy. This thesis researched Yewu Village, Niugutang Town, Yingde City which remained under the jurisdiction of its counterpart Qingyuan City. Through in-depth investigation, the thesis described the process in which Yewu grew form a backward village to a model village in Qingyuan City. The research indicated such a change should be ascribed to effective villager autonomy. The council of Yewu Village serves as an important organizational basis for villager autonomy.Establishment of the council of Yewu Village offer an organizational basis for local villagers. At the same time, such a council also degraded autonomous units. The autonomy based on the councils is different from that based on administrative villages. Councils shrank the scale of autonomy. In appropriate scale of autonomy, villagers shared common cultural foundation and interests. At the same time, councils established negotiation and autonomy platforms which gave full play to the autonomy effectiveness. At last, under the leading of Yewu council, local villagers realized land circulation, eliminated original operation mode, and achieved villager autonomy. This thesis This thesis concluded that, the council served as the organizational basis for effective villager autonomy. In suitable basis and conditions, the council can realize effective autonomy.
Keywords/Search Tags:villager autonomy, the Council, Land Transfer, organizational basis
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