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Foster’s Construction For Marx’s Ecological Thoughts

Posted on:2017-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330488452457Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Foster believes that Marx’s worldview is deep and real systematic ecology, which comes from his materialism. The germination, development, maturity and inheritance of Marx’s ecological thoughts are closely connected with historical materialism.Facing increasingly serious global ecological crisis, what will matter is not the greening of Marxism, but discovering the weaknesses of modern green theories. Environmental protection theories didn’t form the thought of materialism and dialectics to develop ecology. Through to reinterpretation Marx’s writings, criticism of the alienation of the relationship between human and nature could surpass idealism and binary opposition in modern green theories. Before this, Marx’s concept of the natural materialism and its connection with the historical materialism, contact between Marx’s social thought and ecological world view should be first built.Foster inherited and developed Marx’s Materialist stance and criticism of capitalism. Marx recognized the limitations of capitalism, and labor eventually just is relationship between man and nature. Now, this metabolic rift is threatening the whole planet and growth mechanism of capitalism push us into the ecological cliff. Ecological movement cannot change the rift in the universal metabolism of nature, unless a social revolution.Forster uniquely expanded and enriched the field of Marxist theory, by novel ecological perspective and bold logical idea, thus indirectly showed internal defects and improving direction in modern ecology. Foster, however, did not put forward in view of short-term goals or specific actionable advice for the current social situation. He completely negated the historical rationality of capitalist society and ignored the Marx’s historical materialism dialectics. Processing materialism in this way could result in another kind of imbalance and tilt. We need an objective and dialectical attitude to understand and develop Foster’s ecological Marxism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Foster, Marx, Ecological Thoughts, Materialism
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