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The Research Of The KMT’s Reorganization During The First Cooperation Of Kuomintang And The Communist Party Of China

Posted on:2017-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330485980359Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the late 1920 s, the help from Soviet Union and the Communist International and Chinese Communist Party led the first KMT-CPC cooperation, through the reorganization of the Kuomintang, Communist Party and Youth League members joined the KMT in the name of an individual, which have increasingly fallen Kuomintang was reorganized to become the alliance of the four revolutionary class, lay the foundation for the national revolution, ushered in the glory of the national revolution, which greatly promoted the process of the Chinese revolution, subversion of the dark reign lasted for more than ten years of the northern warlords, to promote the development of Chinese history. The most important condition of this round of historical progress, is to establish cooperation in the form of the reorganization of the kuomintang. For the purposes of the Kuomintang, revolution and the founding of the Communist Party of China 20 years of history, there has never been a like after the restructuring of the organization so solid and strong, so firmly unified on revolution, enterprising spirit, for the first time really to consolidate become the soul and backbone of the Democratic Revolution. This is the Kuomintang twenty years since the founding of the history of a glorious moment, and after the revolution of 1911, Sun Yat Sen’s revolutionary career most glorious moment.Through the restructuring of reengineering, making a political party by reduced to enterprising, rise, from lax, corrupt to relatively strong, powerful. Young Chinese Communist Party and from the failure of the revolution in the climax of the first round, quickly ushered in the glory of the national revolution, leading even in nature by their own master core power of the Chinese revolution, the rapid expansion of the party organization, in Party building in a short span of a few years, quickly became one of several important branch of Chinese history, which on the reorganization of the Kuomintang reengineering success, it is worth summing up.The first KMT-CPC cooperation with Communist Party members joined the KMT- CPC cooperation form to realize, but to the Kuomintang get restructuring recycling conditions.The essence of the reorganization of the Kuomintang in two aspects: Firstly,China absorb the Communist Party organization, and ensure that can continue to follow the revolution, agreed to accept the Soviet Union and the Communist International and Communist Party China help progressives master at all levels of the organization, the Kuomintang right; second, more essential, is the Kuomintang in the mind and soul, accept in three the policy of alliance with Russia and the Soviet Union to help farmers, as the core of the new three people’s principles, the new three people’s principles the anti imperialist and anti feudal revolutionary program, has been restructured and absorb the force of the Kuomintang Communist Party China programme, the Kuomintang was transformed into the four Revolutionary Alliance, to lay the foundation for the national revolution.Restructuring recycling motion of the Kuomintang by the Communist Party of China and the earliest brewing, actual content and direction substantially also by the Communist Party of China given, from motion and reorganize the thought basic formation is in the special session of the West Lake in 1922 and 1923 party between the three major. Tissue specific reorganization plan and practice, mainly led by Sun Yat Sen, promoting and realizing; the Soviet Union and the Communist International and the Chinese Communist Party to Sun Yat Sen, and Sun Yat Sen to accept and the actual contact with the Soviet Union and the Communist Party of China, has actually opened the Kuomintang in Ideological and accept the new three people’s principles of process.The cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party is correct and decision-making, it depends on the correct guidance and guidance of the Soviet Union and the Communist International; the choice of the reorganization of the Kuomintang, mainly by the Communist Party of China to play a leading role. In this sense, by the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China success attracted the climax of the national revolution and the Chinese revolution process. This is established by the Chinese Communist Party in the Soviet Union and the Communist International to help feats. Sun Yat Sen’s lifelong follow progress, willing to accept the help of the Soviet Union and the Communist International and the Chinese Communist Party, especially for promoting the course of the democratic revolution, eager to help endeavour, full of vigor and vitality of Chinese Communist Party, implementation of reconstruction of "are falling in death" of the Chinese Kuomintang shake up, make a new party, the Kuomintang, which is the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China and an important condition for the success of the reorganization of the Kuomintang. Accept three great policies and accept Soviet Russia and the Communist International and Chinese Communist Party help restructure recycling the Kuomintang, realize the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China, to lay the foundation for the national revolution, which is one of Sun Yat Sen’s life the most important several feats.The Soviet Union and the Communist International mainly for pushing colonies and dependencies of the revolution’s motivation, timely guidance, promote the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China and specific guidance, participation the reorganization of the Kuomintang, is favorable to promote the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China to achieve, which is an important contribution to the Soviet Union and the Communist International to the Chinese revolution. Guidance of the founding of the Communist Party of China, so that the beginning of the Communist Party of China in under the guidance of Lenin Party principles, and impelling KMT-CPC cooperation, help the reorganization of the Kuomintang reconstruction, contributes to Chinese revolution, it is Mao Zedong’s Communist International and the relation between Chinese revolution made the judgment of the important basis. To overthrow the rule of the northern warlords, the realization of the national revolution, is 20 years of the 20 th century Chinese revolution and Chinese historical development and progress is the inherent requirement of; as the establishment of the national revolution necessary conditions of the reorganization of the Kuomintang and Kuomintang Communist co-operation, is the history of China’s own development intrinsic request. To the reorganization of the Kuomintang, Sun Yat Sen founded the new three people’s principles and Kuomintang Communist co-operation, mainly understood as the product of the revolution of Soviet Union’s output is, in fact, the legitimacy of the digestion of the legitimate and justice of democratic revolution.
Keywords/Search Tags:KMT reorganization, The Communist Party of China, The first KMT-CPC cooperation
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