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Prevention Research Of Campus Fraud In China On The View Of Public Management

Posted on:2016-09-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330479494911Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, as the global socialization develops intensively, the campus life appears moreclosely related to the circumstance off the campus. The campus can no longer be operatedsolely any more without the affect of the surroundings. Hence, the campus organizationproblem, which conventionally recognized as the college separately matters, has become apublic administration problem. One of the urgent event need to be solved is the campus fraud.It not only violates the student economic interests, harms the campus security, but also causesa serious negative effect to the nation and society. Therefore, it is important to study that howto improve the ability of college students to identify and confront the campus fraud.To discover an effective method to against the campus fraud, a detailed investigation onthe available references was done; a university of Guangzhou Institute of South ChinaUniversity of Technology(GCU) was used as a typical case to study. Several different risks ofcampus fraud were analyzed, such as students and their families, campus management,campus security, country development, etc. Then, the reasons of campus fraud wereconcluded into several aspects, including the imperfect legislation, weak judicial, slack lawenforcement, confusion management of campus security, ineffective management ofinformation service industry, insufficient education of college student, and the lack ofnecessary communication between each groups. A comparative study of the campusmanagement was done between China and abroad. The shortcomings of our country towardscampus fraud were pointed out, including campus legislation, security system, personneltraining, division of responsibilities and security measures. Besides, the relevant effects offoreign country toward campus fraud were suggested. At last, on the view of publicgovernance, a multi-campus fraud prevention system, like:(1) To develop campus laws and regulations, a legal defense line should be built.(2) To strengthen social governance, a social defense line should be built.(3)To strengthen student education himself, a campus defense line should be built.(4) To strengthen the student education from family, a family defense line should be built.(5) To organize a student anti-fraud union, a student defense line should be built.(6) To build a system to cure the psychological health of the cheated students.The research results have the potential application to defense the campus fraud, tomaintain the campus safety, to guarantee the physical and property safety of college students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Campus fraud, University students, Prevention system
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