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The Practice Of Marxist Theory Education In The Central Soviet Area And Its Contemporary Enlightenment

Posted on:2015-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467988817Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Marxist theory is the guiding ideology of the Communist Party of China and thesocialist cause, the Marxist theory of education is always a fundamental task of theworking class party ideological construction. This paper focuses on the concretepractice of Marxist theory education under the conditions at that time in the centralSoviet area, and on this basis, thinking of its reference meaning combined with thecurrent practice of Marxist theory education, in order to present some enlightenmentto the current Marxist theory education, and to improve its effectiveness.The full text is divided into four parts:The first part is the introduction of the article, including the reason andsignificance of the topic, literature review, research emphasis, problems, etc.The second part, mainly start from the analysis of the background of Marxisttheory education in the Central Soviet Area, analyzes the concept definition andcurrent situation of the development of the Central Soviet Area, Further analysis inthese contexts is the action and the difficulties faced by the Marxist theory education.The third part, firstly discusses the concrete practice of Marxist theory educationin the Central Soviet Area: combine Marxist theory education with cultural educationpractice; carry forward the research on Marxist theory, expand Marxist theoryeducation channels. Afterwards, summarize the achievement of Marxist theoryeducation in the Central Soviet Area: the establishment of the Marxism propagandaeducation system; widely spread of Marxist basic viewpoint; preliminary realized thecombination of Marxism theory education and Soviet revolutionary practice.The fourth part, review of the history of theory education and analyze theMarxist theory education practice, afterwards, on the basis of analysis and summarize,we draw the following inspirations for Marxist theory education today: Promote thebuilding of Marxist theory; attaches great importance to a variety of media in the roleof Marxist theory education; give full play to the role of the intellectuals; to promoteMarxist theory education in China and popularization of Marxist theory education;innovative the ways and methods of Marxist theory education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Central Soviet Area, Marxist Theory Education, practice, enlightenment
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