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Study Of Anti-corruption Legal Problems In China

Posted on:2015-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467954667Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the history of mankind, corruption is a social phenomenon with power, hasbecome a huge tumor of civilized society, not only for governments to cherish anundying, also caused the wide attention of scholars at home and abroad. Forcenturies, researches on the problem of corruption has not stopped, many scholarsfocus on the research of the problem of corruption, and achieved fruitful results, theformation of a lot of very representative viewpoints and theories.Provincial and ministerial level official corruption is one of the most seriousproblems in China’s present political field. Since the party’s eighteen provincial andministerial level officials, and corruption is more and more, involving more andmore high, more and more adverse circumstances. The danger of corruptionproblems in provincial and ministerial level officials to China development causedby particularly cruel, curb the continuous growth and spread of the provincial andministerial level official corruption is a serious problem China must face. As thebiggest challenge China corruption in the political and economic life, which hasextensive reasons:the main reason is the imperfect system of human naturereason isthe abuse of power and the arrangement of system is not perfect, anti-corruptionmechanism has flaws, negative cultural tradition ingrained, imbalance of nationalvalue concept and the concept of democracy and the rule of law culture is indifferentthe causes of corruption.The article try to talk about the concept and characteristics of corruption,analyzes the causes of corruption, both at home and abroad based on the successfulexperience, put forward a comprehensive anti-corruption legal system, emphasizingthe anti-corruption is a systematic project, only the corruption prevention mechanism,power mechanism for supervision and restriction mechanism, CorruptionPunishment Mechanism anti-corruption, unified, to cooperate with each other,coordination, to form a more perfect system of corruption, to the full range ofcorruption and to effectively control of corruption. The legal entity perspective, weneed to pay attention to the legislation of the legal definition of accuracy, practicability of the scope of the law, the laws and regulations of certainty, and theperfection of legislation on the possible. Also set up anti-corruption legal system inChina in a wide range of circumstances, the legal system to prevent corruption of theunity, become a system oneself, exhaustive, so will be the occurrence of corruptionto the lowest point.This article is divided into seven parts. The first part is introduction, mainlyintroduced the research background and research significance of this article, theresearch methods of this article, etc. The second part, expounds the theory ofcorruption and anti-corruption, introduces the characteristics of corruption andrelated theory, from the perspectives of the status of the provincial officials ofprovincial official corruption. The18th party congress in the third section, selectpunished27provincial officials as analysis object, summarizes the eighteenth bigsince the provincial officials were investigated the basic characteristics of cases. Thefourth part, the paper expounds on the present situation of the National People’sCongress on behalf of the supervision in our country, from the people’s congresssupervision and analysis of the causes of the problems, and strengthen thesupervision and the path choice of people’s congress about perfecting the supervisionof people’s congress. The fifth part, the paper introduces the party system ofinspection Tours, the characteristics of the system of inspection Tours, the presentsituation and existing problems, and how to perfect made in detail. The sixth part,from the perspective of jurisprudence, rethink "detained" system, this paperintroduces the origin and function of the system of "strong", and legal issues existingin the practice and how to perfect legal thinking. The seventh part, discusses theofficial corruption and the legitimacy and the rationality of the long-distance trial,analysis of different legal basis of trial, the problems existing in the practice andimproving Suggestions on the corrupt officials judgment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Corruption, Provincial and ministerial level officials, Legal issues, National People’s Congress supervision, The system ofinspection tours, Double designation, Different trial
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