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The Administrative Litigation Mediation System

Posted on:2016-08-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X R WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467490172Subject:Procedural Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, along with the continuously advocating the idea of a harmonious society,scholars and legislative Suggestions on the study of the administrative litigation mediationsystem once again came to the forefront, has caused a new round of heated discussion. In theadministrative procedure law amendment (2014) on the scope of mediation in administrativelitigation and had the new change, increase the scope of administrative litigation mediationcan be applied. Administrative lawsuit mediation can mitigate the pressure of work ofjudicial organs, this is inadequate in China can also play a role in saving judicial resources.However, the research for this kind of system in China started relatively late, so far has notbeen set up on the application of the mediation system, mediation model selection andapplication specific way of using specific provision. This article through to the analysis ofthe concept of mediation in administrative litigation and the comparison of similar concepts,for the purpose of administrative litigation and the discussion of basic theory, analysis andunderstanding of foreign apply the pros and cons of this system, at the same time for the newmodification of administrative procedure law amendment about the understanding of themediation system, improve the mediation system is put forward for the future is himselfsome superficial views and opinions.This article roughly divided into six parts, the first part is introduction, mainlyintroduces the research background, purpose and significance of the article. Second chapterstarting from the basic concepts of mediation, the mediation of the concept, nature and thebasic theory is analyzed; Articles of chapter III of the existing mediation system in othercountries, for example, provide a reference for the improvement of the system of the future;The fourth chapter analyzes the significance of establishing and perfecting the administrativelitigation mediation system and theoretical basis; Fifth chapter elaborated our countryexisting mediation behavior problems and the methods of how to improve the system ofmediation; The sixth chapter will serve as a summary of a chapter.
Keywords/Search Tags:The administrative litigation, Lawsuit mediation, System consummation
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