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On Perfecting The Supervision Of Local People’s Congress Of China

Posted on:2015-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y T XuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Supervision of local people’s Congress is a very important right of supervision, plays an important role in promoting the local administration according to law and justice, to promote the construction of a socialist country under the rule of law process. In the introduction part, the background and the significance of the research are analyzed, based on the analysis of domestic and foreign related research results, put forward the ideas and methods of research. First, the concept of the right of supervision by the NPC is defined, basic connotation, content of right of supervision by the NPC, position and function, basic principle are studied. Then, in the county people’s Congress as an example, studies the supervision of local people’s congresses of China’s current situation and existing problems, supervision of local people’s congresses of China mainly includes the review report, law enforcement and inspection, evaluation and supervision and supervision of government work plan and budget and other content, the existing problems in the supervision, supervision is ineffective, inadequate supervision main body consciousness is not strong, the function is not perfect in supervision work. Mainly for the following reasons of local people’s Congress supervision problems:supervision system is not perfect, lack of awareness of active supervision, supervision and responsibility is not clear, the ability is not enough, the deputies and other supervision mode with not enough. Finally, put forward to improve the supervision of our country local NPC suggestions, including perfecting the supervision of local people’s Congress system, improve the supervision of local people’s Congress, strengthening the ability of local people’s Congress supervision responsibility, do a good job of local law enforcement inspection work, by strengthening the supervision of local people to promote local government administration according to law and judicial organs according to law trial, effective protection of the citizens, legal persons and other organizations of the legitimate rights and interests, and to protect the market competition order.
Keywords/Search Tags:Local people’s Congress, Supervision right, Supervision System
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