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Research On Training Mechanism Of Youth Prosecutors In Basic Level People’s Prosecutors’ Office

Posted on:2015-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330452954564Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Prosecution team building is essential and to ensure that all procuratorial work.Young prosecutos are effectives of basic level people’ s prosecutors’ office. Trainingyoung prosecutors plays a inheritance, supporting and leading role in the team building.In recent years, more and more young prosecutors are recruited. Highly educated youngprosecutos has distinctive characteristics of the times become an important group. Theirscientific culture is becoming a prosecution team and personnel development of andimportant issue. Prosecutors have educated yong population, vibrant, diverse thinking,but compression is weak, not strong ideals and beliefs, lack of work experience and othercharacteristics, as well as for their growth as soon as possible to better assumeprosecutorial duties as soon as possible, you need to take more targeted, the effectivenessof training measures. Currently prosecutor training of young scholars have conducted astudy multiple angles, local prosecutors have explored various forms of youth cultureprosecutors measures, such as mentoring system, simulated Review Committee, a factionlinked to activities under the weekends book club, youth prosecutors forum,etc, and haveachieved some results. However, the field of academic research and practical problemsthat still exist are: youth prosecutor cultured high enough to support the theory, thesystem is not perfect, has not yet formed a sound management system, and training goalswith the current system of selection for promotion, education and training system, thereare many aspects of the assessment system, prosecution and cultural construction,uncoordinated mismatch. Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs Theory” and “Management byObjectives” for the interpretation, analysis and solving the youth culture of GrassrootsProcuratorate prosecutor has good theoretical support and reference. Paper summarizesthe experience around the Grassroots Procuratorate advanced on the basis of managementtheory put forward in accordance with the objectives, combined with today’s Grssrootsyouth prosecutor’s personal needs and the objective requirements of Grassrootsprocuratorial work, young prosecutors build a scientific training mechanism. In this paper,the theory for the moment to make up Grassroots Procuratorate prosecutor youth culture exists insufficient to achieve Grassroots youth Procuratorate prosecutor continued toeffectively carry out the work culture is important.Specifically, the purpose of this article is: accordance with the objectives ofmanagement theory, combined with individual needs and requirements of today’sgrass-roots procuratorial work grassroots youth prosecutors to build grass-rootsprocuratorate prosecutor youth training mechanism. This paper uses survey, literatureresearch, interdisciplinary research studies, comparative studies and other methods.Contents of this paper are:Chapter1is an introduction, is the basis and premise of this study, including topicssources, research background and significance, research status, purpose and researchmethods.Chapter2, the connotation and grassroots procuratorate prosecution team buildingtraining young prosecutos to analyze, it will make the inductive analysis features ofcontemporary grassroots groups procuratorate prosecutor’s youth and the youth of today’sprocuratorate prosecutor training grassroots problems in order to be able to clear thisarticle current situation faced by the institute, a clear study practical problems to bosolved, and then summarize the necessity of grassroots youth training mechanismprocuratorate prosecutors build.Chaper3will analyze the current situation of youth in today’s procuratorateprosecutor grassroots culture and problems, driven by the question, a study of younggrass-roots procuratorate prosecutor training purpose for the study of clear direction.Chapter4reasons based on Maslow’s hierachy of needs theory, the theoreticaldimension of the target management theory, reflect the culture of grassroots procuratorateprosecutor youth problems paradoxically, to find the back of the problem.Chapter5will find the problem, analyzing the problem, we propose to buildgrass-roots procuratorate prosecutor youth training mechanism proposal.
Keywords/Search Tags:Basic level People’s Prosecutors’ Office, Youth Prosecutors, Training, Mechanism
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