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Jiangmen Volunteer Organization And Management Present Situation, Problems And Countermeasures Research

Posted on:2015-09-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330452460412Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Volunteer service plays an important role in the development of social harmony. Theeffectiveness of carrying out volunteer service depends on the management of volunteerorganizations. The current management of our volunteer organization is organized by theNational management and the combination of internal management.During its operations,because of the management methods and level of problems, it cause many problems such asthe poor volunteer organization and management, volunteer members of the mobility, whichaffects service the effectiveness of the play. To solve this problem, this study uses the Case ofJiang Men city volunteer organization and management, using the literature analysis,empirical analysis and comparative analysis as the main research methods, to carry out theresearch of Jiang Men volunteer organization and management.This paper discusses the current situation and the effectiveness of Jiang Men volunteerorganization and management in the previous studies and existing practice of grassroots,analyze the existing problems and their causes, and finally, to make some suggestions foreffective measures to strengthen the management of volunteer organizations in Jiang MenCity.The results are as follows: Jiang Men volunteer service has made some achievements inthe areas of poverty alleviation, events, community development and other positive lifeserving the people, meet the needs of social development, which in organizationalmanagement, but there are also some problems: the management confusions of the Jiang MenCity volunteer organization and management, the unbalance of carrying out the serviceprojects, the shortage of funds, the poor volunteers involvements. The main cause of theseproblems are the lack of effective communication between the supply and demandinformation, the lack of stability the volunteers, lack of professional standards of serviceoperation of the project, the lack of adequate financial support, lack of adequate socialidentity; in order to solve these Jiang Men volunteer organizations management problems, thegovernment should improve the management system, improve the internal governance ofvolunteer organizations mechanisms, improve volunteer organizations and other aspects ofsocial coordination mechanism and gradually improve the management mechanism ofvolunteer organizations.
Keywords/Search Tags:volunteer organization, organization and management, incentive system, JiangMen City
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