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Research On The Management Of Urban Community By The Network Governance Perspective

Posted on:2015-07-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Y L ShangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330428967858Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Urban community is the basic unit of urban social management, and a ruling foundation of the party and government in urban grassroots. During the urban community management and construction, it also plays an important role in ensuring the function of urban community management network and forming a scientific and efficient urban community management system. Although our practice in country city community management innovation has obtained certain achievements in currently, there are still many shortcomings. How to further promote and deepen the urban community governance network is an issue that still needs to be discussed deeply.In this paper, using the basic theories of public management, administrative law and political science disciplines, we explained the theory of urban community management from a network governance perspective, accessed the necessity and urgency to strengthen the management of urban communities in China, summarized and accessed the current situation and main problems in development of Chinese urban community management. Finally, we gave some initial suggestions in promoting Chinese urban community governance network.The full text is divided into the following four parts:In the Introduction part, we briefly reviewed the domestic researches in the related area and explained the reason of our idea and significance of the research to clarify the research train of thought and main content of this article.The second part is the overview of urban community management. This part is divided into three sections. The first section briefly introduces the concepts of community and urban community and the related background. The second section defines the connotation of urban community management, which mainly displays in five layers:firstly Urban community management formed a new pattern which is participated by all kinds of management; secondly, the objects of community management are the urban community public affairs which are related to the urban community residents’ vital interests. Thirdly, urban community is different from the traditional government administration, and it presents a multi-dimensional and interacted state. The third section of the paper is the analysis of the necessity and urgency to strengthen the management of urban community, and points out that the doing well the urban community management and construction is of great significance and far-reaching.The third part is about the current development of China’s urban community management situation and the main problems. This part firstly analyzes the development situation of urban community, and then summarizes the problems existing in the urban community management in our country, mainly includes:Un-reasonable urban community management system, single inefficient urban community management tools, and hysteretic urban community management culture construction. Finally, this paper analyses the reasons of the problems which elitist in the management of city community in our country, includes:there are many conflicts between traditional management system and network management requirements; and there are many hysteresis in legislation of our country city community; and there are also many weaknesses in the chain of urban community management; the objective cause of problems in our country’s urban community management.The fourth part is the countermeasures and suggestions about promoting urban community governance network. This section in view of the above mentioned problems, put forward the further promote and deepen the urban community governance network countermeasures and suggestions. Include:(1) to promote urban community management mechanism of the change of government function;(2) increase the intensity of urban community to foster;(3) further arouse the enthusiasm of urban community residents’ democratic participation;(4) promote the government to the urban community network management ability;(5) establish and improve the urban community management system of laws and regulations;(6) the key breakthrough in urban community management of weak links.
Keywords/Search Tags:community, urban community, governance, network governance
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