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The Research On Chinese Incentive System Of Model Workers

Posted on:2015-10-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C H GongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330422984042Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the ancient times, hard working is a traditional virtue in China. Modelworkers are the advanced people who have got significant achievements during theprocess of construction and reform of our country. Selecting, rewarding the modelworkers and promoting their spirits are to promote “pround of hard working andashamed of indolence”, which actually reveals the value of labor. Spirits of modelworkers is a tremendous spiritual drive to advance social development. It also plays ademonstrative role in educating and inspiring generation after generation to strugglefor the revitalization, reform and opening up and modernization of our country. Inrecent years, choose and commend model workers in China has sparked somecontroversy. Some older model workers still face life difficulties, which has attractedthe attention of the whole society. It is clear that the system of choose and commendmodel workers has its weakness and needs to improve. With the development ofreform and opening up and globalization, our country has become a pluralistic society.Consequently, choose model worker should also meet the pluralistic trend,breakthrough the original selection criteria and keep pace with the times. A study onthe incentive system of model worker in our country really plays a significant role inthe perfection of incentive system in China and the construction of the national honorsystem.This article studied the incentive system of model worker from four aspects.In the first part, the author mainly discussed the general theory of the incentivesystem of model worker. The paper clarified that the method of encourage modelworkers is an ideological education law to promote the development of society fromthe aspects of connotation of the incentive system of model worker,theoretical andpractical basis of the incentive system of model worker and the function of the modeldemonstration method in political education.In the second part, the author discussed the system of the incentive system ofmodel worker. The author analyzed from the category, selection criteria, selectionprocedure and recognition and welfare of model workers.The third part briefly introduced the well-known model workers and advancedpeople have emerged since the founding of China and analyzed the valuable spirits they left behind. Then the author discussed the historical and practical role of ourincentive system of model worker from the aspects of enriching the trove of Chinesenational spirits and purifying society.In the fourth part, as to the controversy triggered by the selection of modelworkers, the plight faced by the older model workers, the author analyzed thecountermeasures of our incentive system of model worker in a new era from theaspects of selection criteria and rewarding welfares, to compensate the deficiency ofour incentive system of model worker. Finally, the author put forward some ideas onthe establishment of the national honor system.
Keywords/Search Tags:model worker, the incentive system of model worker, modeldemonstration method, the national honor system
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