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The Pattern Of Chamber Of Commerce Provisions

Posted on:2013-02-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330362463906Subject:Civil and Commercial Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an important self-regulation organization,the value of chamber of commerce hasattracted more and more attention recently. The researchers want to find the universal rule ofthe operating of the chamber of commerce though various ways such as nature, headspring,utilities of financial and structure and so on. Given the recently papers, the study that focus onnature and utilities of financial has reached a high level, but, less attention has paid to theorganization of chamber of commerce we now know what’s chamber of commerceis, but don’t know how to let it operates efficiently? Thus, the paper wants to answer thisquestion though study on the pattern of chamber of commerce.The structure and contents of the pater are as follows:Starting from the basic theory of the Chamber of Commerce to discuss the Chamber ofCommerce is what are the characteristics? Chamber of Commerce, the concept of model, andthe three major chambers of commerce mode to do a cursory discussion. then discusses theChamber of Commerce as an interest group in the formation and operation of the law.Theoretical tool to use analysis Chamber of Commerce-theory of collective action,starting from the microscopic point of view, to discuss the general rules for individuals toparticipate in collective action. Autonomous organization of the Chamber of Commerce ascommercial subjects, and its effective operation of its functions to the business of individualidentity and active participation.The function of the analysis of the functions of trade associations and chambers ofcommerce system, which is to have a clear understanding of Chamber of Commerce role.This chapter distinguishes the natural functions of real functions and different modes of theChamber of Commerce should explore the impact of the Chamber of Commerce modelimplemented by the Chamber of Commerce functions, followed by the use of comparativeanalysis, a detailed analysis and found that the operating efficiency of the three chambers ofcommerce mode functions to achieve the degree of each of the advantages and disadvantagesof different modes Chamber of Commerce operating efficiency. China Chamber of Commerce mode choice of reference. The last section tries to probe into our future selection of thepattern of the chamber of commerce and its relevant issues. First, the conditions of policy andlaw base the future pattern of chamber of commerce. Second, finding the weakness of therecent pattern of chamber of commerce and operating is especially important thoughindividual benefits and costs analyze.
Keywords/Search Tags:chamber of commerce, pattern of chamber of commerce, operation efficiency
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