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The Transformation Of Function Of Teochew Leader-Organization In Kuching(1914—1963)

Posted on:2017-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J S DengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis is aimed at discussing the evolution of function of Teochew Leader-organization(Soon Hong Kongsi, Teo Kiaw Association and Teochew Association are the names of Teochew Leader-organization in difference periods).The thesis utilized the meeting minutes, books of accounts, letters and so on to analyze the account and the transformation of affairs. After that, the thesis will probe the proceeding of the evolution of function of Teochew Leader-organization in 1914 to 1963.There are three parts in this thesis. In the first part, the paper will state the cause, academic review, definition of nouns. The second part which was divided three chapters is the main content of the paper. In this part, the paper will state the background of the Kuching Teochew Chinese society. Then, the meeting minutes, books of accounts, letters and special commemorative edition in Teochew Leader-organization were used to analyze the transformation of affairs, furthermore, to research the evolution of function of Teochew Leader-organization.The research shows that Kuching Teochew Chinese transferred their identity from Chinese citizen to Malaysia citizen and these Chinese became ethnic Chinese from overseas Chinese in Kuching in 1914 to 1963.In this proceeding. As the vicissitudes of international situation, the economic development in Kuching, the members of the Teochew community increased and so on, Teochew Leader-organization reformed its organization structure actively. In the lead of leaders of the Teochew Leader-organization, the organization undertook more affairs and played a political participation role in transferring the overseas Chinese society to ethnic Chinese society.The evolution of function of Teochew Leader-organization reflected the transformation of Overseas Chinese society in Kuching.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teochew Chinese in Kuching, Teochew Leader-organization, Evolution of function, Self-identity
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