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Aspects of the syntax of Indonesian Teochew

Posted on:2013-12-25Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of DelawareCandidate:Peng, Anne EliseFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this dissertation is to provide a description of some aspects of the syntax of Indonesian Teochew, a Southern Min Chinese language spoken in Indonesian. This dissertation examines two dialects of Indonesian Teochew: Jambi Teochew, which is spoken in Jambi City, Sumatra, and Pontianak Teochew, which is spoken in Pontianak, West Borneo. The majority of the data is taken from Jambi Teochew. This dissertation describes and analyzes the formation of various sentence types. When possible, the similarities and differences between Jambi Teochew and Pontianak Teochew are highlighted. Comparisons are also made between Indonesian Teochew and other Chinese varieties such as Jieyang Teochew, which is spoken in China, and between Indonesian Teochew and Jambi Malay, the local Malay dialect spoken in Jambi City. The data for this dissertation are based on data elicited from native speakers of Indonesian Teochew.;The topics covered in this dissertation are: basic sentence types, aspect, modality, negation, passives, relative clauses, and additional constructions that are worth mentioning but are not examined in detail. These additional constructions include pretransitives (e.g. the ka-construction), questions, resultatives, middles, imperatives, permissives, and benefactives. For each sentence type, a theoretically neutral description of the construction is provided. This description includes the word order, the meaning, and other syntactic properties that may be of interest. Following the description is an analysis of the structure of the construction; this is done in a generative framework and is based on previous work on Chinese languages.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teochew, Dissertation, Description
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