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A Report On Translation Of Chapter 4 And Chapter 5 Of The Gendered Society

Posted on:2017-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ChenFull Text:PDF
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Among the sophisticated relations of current society, the relation of gender is one relation, which is among the most prevalent, basic and straightforward relations. And this relation is reflected in all domains and limits and influences the harmony with the other relations. Besides, relation of gender regulates the fundamental ways of survival and life of people.Fair and concordant dual-sex relations can give the full play to the human’s initiative, which is conducive to the progress of economy and the overall development of us. Therefore, under the guidance of my tutor, the translator selected the book The Gendered Society of Michael Kimmel as my translation practice task. Michael Kimmel, writer of this book, held some unordinary views on the transition and development of gender, sex socialization and sex. What is more, he also employs several fresh gender theories. For instance, the influence that the philosophy gender has on female development and social impact, which fully reflects the “Gender impact” in modern society. This book is never too difficult and it is suitable for the readers. Actually, this book does not include any too abstract theories. In order to illustrate some contents more clearly, there exist many cases related to human society,gender and communications. In terms of this practice, the translator undertook the translation work of following content The first part(Explanations of Gender) of Psychoanalytic and Development Perspectives on Gender(Chapter 4) and The Social Construction of Gender Relations(Chapter 5). These chapters integrate relevant studies of gender development, composition and definition.According to Peter Newmark’s text typology and the corresponding translation methods, it can be judged that the book The Gendered Society falls into the category of social science works, namely, most of the contents are informative texts as well as some expressive texts. In this book, on the one hand, the writer makes use of precise,concise words, on the other hand, there are also a certain number of long sentences with complicated and uncommon structures. Besides, the book also includes much background knowledge of many fields; Therefore, there emerge a lot of terminologies.Judging from all above, the translator translated the text with communicative translation as a main method and the semantic translation as an auxiliary method.This translation practice report consists of five parts. The first part is a macro introduction about this translation task, which introduces the translation task, the author, the content of the translation, and the translation purpose and significance,which makes the readers better grasp the central idea of the translation practice report.Then it comes to the second part, which mainly introduces the translation work arrangement and the translation process, specifically including preparation before translation and the process of translation, namely, the understanding, expression and checking steps. The third part mainly talks about the theoretical basis of the translation practice report, and this translation practice report mainly adopts the text typology, accordingly, the translation content is divided into the informational,expressive, and vocative texts. According to the different characteristics of the texts,we adopt the methods of communicative translation and semantic translation. When theory and practice is well combined, it will make the content of the translation practice report more rich and credible. In the fourth part, the translator mainly adopts some typical cases in the appendix and the corresponding theoretical methods from the vocabulary, syntax, text and cultural levels. In the last part of the translation practice, the translator summarizes the full text, and makes a reflection on the overall translation practice, thus will help to improve the translation ability.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Gendered Society, Newmark’s Text Typology, Informative Text, Communicative Translation, Semantic Translation
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