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Guang Weiran’s Singable Poems In The Anti-Japanese War

Posted on:2017-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330503983882Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Guang Weiran(Zhang Guangnian), a famous poet in modern and contemporary China, wrote the singable poems such as Flowers in May, Yellow River Cantata, which were masterpieces in the singing movement in the Anti-Japanese War and had played a positive role in propaganda and mobilization. Up to now, there is few specialized research in academic field on Guang Weiran’s singable poems. This thesis aims to probe into what is the relationship between Guang Weiran’s creations and the context of the era of the Anti-Japanese War, why his singable poems became the classic songs in the singing movement, what formed the aesthetic characteristics of those poems, and where the aesthetic performance came from.For the deficiencies in the current research, the Introduction introduces Guang WeiRan’s singable poems in the Anti-Japanese War so as to put forward the reason and the aim of this thesis. Chapter 1, starting from his writing historical background of the Anti-Japanese War, his intended writing purpose to the great influence of these works, reviews Guang Weran’s writing tendency of “Taking poems as songs” and his remarkable achievements. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, based on the special literary style, proceeding from his poems’ “singable” and “poetic” features respectively, try to explore the unique musical attributes and characteristics of Guang Weiran’s poetry. Firstly, the author sets off from stylistic awareness of poems to search the combination form of poetry and music and explores his musical persistence and innovation in his poetic creation. Secondly, through Guang Weiran’s literary connotation, the author grasps the poetic characteristics and probes into the magnificent implications and classic images in the poetic creation. Chapter 4 discusses the writing intention of Guang Weiran’s singable poems, pointing that his consciousness of “revolutionary poet”, to a certain extent, limits his poetry exploration and innovation. The Conclusion part makes it clear that the singable poems created by Guang Weiran are unique treasures in the Anti-Japanese War.
Keywords/Search Tags:Guang Weiran, Anti-Japanese War, Singable poems, Writing
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